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The Frontend Treadmill

The Frontend Treadmill


·March 20, 2025


I have recently been doing some upgrades to the build system for our FE code to swap out yarn for pnpm. I’m normally a backend engineer, but I’ve spent plenty of time in the JS mines.

The most frustrating thing about dipping in to the FE is that it seems like literally everything is deprecated. Oh, you used the apollo CLI in 2022? Bam, deprecated, go learn how to use graphql-client or whatever, which has a totally different configuration and doesn’t support all the same options. Okay, so we just keep the old one and disable the node engine check in pnpm that makes it complain. Want to do a patch upgrade to some dependency? Hope you weren’t relying on any of its type signatures! Pin that as well, with a todo in the codebase hoping someone will update the signatures.

Finally get things running, watch the stream of hundreds of deprecation warnings fly by during the install. Eventually it builds, and I get the hell out of there.

It’s just nuts to me the degree to which FE development as a whole seems to embrace the breaking change, the deprecation, etc. I’ve been working on a large rust project for nearly four years and in that time there have been a few minor breaking changes in or of third party libraries, but only one major breaking change that required significant changes to our application. Meanwhile in JS it seems like you can’t go more than six months without having to rewrite something. It’s bananas.

Okay, rant over.


> It’s just nuts to me the degree to which FE development as a whole seems to embrace the breaking change, the deprecation, etc.

I’m amazed at how much of this is driven by the FE influencers. The FE world has embraced social media, YouTube, and even Twitch to a degree that I haven’t seen in other domains.

Influencers in these areas need to have a constant stream of fresh material to stay relevant, so they’re always driving toward something new that they can produce content about.

This is in addition to the very active conference circuit. FE and JS conferences feel like one big competition to present on some hot new topic.

There’s also a huge market for selling FE courses. These course creators need you to convince your boss to approve a $700 (limited time price!!!) video course to learn the new hot thing, but they can only do that if they get the industry to move away from the old thing that everyone knows already. So they push hard to drive the new thing and deprecate the old thing.


That's fascinating, and I had no idea web dev influencers were so big. I checked, and there really are people with millions of followers doing development. Personally, the idea of learning anything related to coding through a video is extremely frustrating. It's a text medium. I want to look at things, take time, think it over, compare code, follow references, look up functions.

That people like video formats isn't really surprising to me since it's everywhere, but I still don't fully understand the appeal. Even if you were raised on video content and started coding that way, at some point you have to reference text documentation, right? At that point, I would think you would just stick to the text and not go back to the video, but maybe it's just more entertaining the other way.


> That people like video formats isn't really surprising to me since it's everywhere, but I still don't fully understand the appeal.

Me either, but I have a hunch about why.

Are you a fast reader?

I am, at least compared to the population at large. And one of the reasons I can't stand video as a format for learning about coding topics is that it is so frustratingly slow compared to my reading speed. To get anywhere close, I have to crank the playback speed up so high that I start having trouble understanding what the presenter is saying. That's on top of other things like poor searchability and no way to copy-paste code snippets.

The decline of reading skills, at least in the US, is pretty well-documented. And my hunch is that for the increasingly large number of people coming into the industry who don't read quickly or well, the efficiency of learning from videos is closer to parity with text. What's more, I suspect there's high correlation between lower reading skills and dislike of the act of reading, so videos are a way to avoid having to do something unpleasant.

I have no solid evidence to back any of this up, but it seems at least as plausible to me as any other explanations I've run across.


>, the idea of learning anything related to coding through a video is extremely frustrating. It's a text medium. I want to look at things, take time, think it over, compare code, follow references, look up functions. That people like video formats isn't really surprising to me since it's everywhere, but I still don't fully understand the appeal.

I like (some) programming videos and I'll give my perspective as someone who learned 100% from books and 3-ring binders for old languages like C/C++/C#/Javascript/Python/bash/etc. (The 1980s Microsoft C Compiler manuals were 3-ring binders.)

The newer languages I learned with a hybrid of videos + traditional books would be HTML CSS, Apple Swift, and PyTorch with the latest AI toolkits and libraries.

The extra dimension that videos offer besides plain text is the live usage of IDE, tools, troubleshooting, etc. For me, watching a dynamic screen with a moving mouse cursor and voiceover seems to activate extra neurons moreso than just reading static text in a book.

There's also a lot of "activities in-between the coding" that's helpful such as seeing the programmer looking up something in various pages of documentation, scrolling around, navigating etc.

Another useful aspect that's underappreciated is seeing the mistakes the programmer makes during the video recording. E.g. the code doesn't compile because of invalid syntax. Or a config setting is wrong and he troubleshoots what's preventing it from working. In contrast, virtually all text books or blogs of coding are "perfect happy path" outcomes. But real-world programming is messy with broken intermediate states. A lot of videos show the messy steps to get to a working state.

The videos that are not that helpful would be the videos of C++ CppCon conference sessions where there are a bunch of static slides with bullet points and the speaker just reads them aloud word-for-word.

Although I learned C++ from textbooks, I found videos of Matt Godbolt showing tips & tricks of how to use his Compiler Explorer ( very helpful.

In summary, the artifacts of coding may be the text, but the activity of coding involves a lot more than just the text and that's why some videos can enhance learning.


These videos are edutainment at best, which is generally not a good way to learn something well enough to be able to actually work with it. A lot of them are pretty much straight up entertainment, where the entertainment value comes from drama and strong opinions. They're totally fine if you know that, but some of their audience does not know that.

I've been seeing more and more of a certain kind of person who are into these videos on some Discord servers, and it is clear that they are driven more by culture and style than by the goal of creating some thing, or having a strong understanding of how to make computers do certain things.


> That people like video formats isn't really surprising to me since it's everywhere

That’s because those “people” are either larping students or kids that want to become programmers. I have never in my 10 year career met a person who said “yeah, I learn my craft from Fireship videos”.


This correlates to my parent post - when my generation started with Flash around 2000 there was no literature on how to programm in Flash, it just happened.

So we went to the nearest bookstore and got a bunch of other books on programming. For many Flash developers the bible was Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel. Most of the source materials for game programming (and that was a lion share of Flash programming) was in C++.

I'm not claiming that we were smarter, but by sheer coincidence, most people, even folks like me who skipped school, had very solid fundamentals. And partially due to the fact that it wasn't that lucrative back then.

Today most people don't care, IT is just easy money, kids have short attention span and trends are tailored by tiktok videos. All in all, it's just a fashion driven developement.


I get shorts in my feed and it’s all Front End developers. It’s all stupid JS behaviour and other inconsequential stuff.


Here's one:

These grifters sell entire courses on the product, that's their game. So when you find an unmaintained Remix app at your company, well, the grifters got the ears of your junior devs :(

And they just promote it and promote it:

Pure grift. But since most people are decent people they don't know and fall for it, and something like this influencer emerges. They have entire Discords of customers, the same as crypto scams.

Edit: I don't know why people would downvote calling out a notable grifter in a thread that extended out to a discussion about influencers. WHICH influencers? Are we scared of that topic? The climate of the JS ecosystem didn't happen accidently.

People fall victim to this shit right here on HN, and then write blog posts about what the fuck is wrong with frontend:

(This entire thread reads like deliberate testimonials.)

Stop buying this stuff.


Yeah, back in my day being an "influencer" required being able to crack copy protection mechanisms and add an intro into the loading screen, or animations deemed impossible in the given hardware, while remaining anonymous behind a group handle.

With fame being slowly propagated via tapes and floppies sent by mail, or some BBS archives.

Now you comment on what others do, or commit single function packages.


True, the barrier to becoming a tech influencer are very low now and yet it's harder than ever. This suggests that dumb luck plays an increasing role.

Current tech influencers are generally smart and qualified but they aren't experts in anything specific and they aren't innovative in any way. They are chosen by algorithms out of a large pool of possible candidates.


Maybe now that’s a factor, but this has been a problem with FE development for many years, well before these influencers showed up.


I also don't think these front end influencers are even coding very much. Like if you hired them on a job on a serious team, they would probably come off like a junior engineer


I get that same vibe. It seems like their intent is to "wow" others into thinking how easy it is to become a developer and build an app with X framework. When in reality they just built a todo app that barely resembles how real software is built.


I'm only recently getting into some of the dev influencer stuff (and enjoying watching some!), I've discovered Primeagen and Theo but that's about it. Are you willing to name some names? I am trying to still form my mental model about these people and what I should pay attention to and what I should ignore.


I agree with the other comment. Ignore them all, go with the fundamentals. Heck, ask chatgpt what do they think are the fundamental ideas in computer science and go from there. Look for classic books written on those subjects. There have been plenty of smart people around the sw field who took years of their lives to write succint and valuable technical books! Use them! Ignore the poison-mixers who probably didn't write a single line of code in their whole life!

Go for a decent text editor, learn how to type! It's incredible how we use ai tools to write code for us but some don't know how to actually write themselves! Again, look it up, there are plenty of resources out there. If in doubt, search for said resources here on hn. If still in doubt, ask chatgpt what does the hn community recommend for x or y.


You should ignore all of it. They mostly sell the idea of a developer to you, the same with any marketing. That's what an influencer does, they make you feel good about buying a cheap identity.


They're just entertainment. Like throwing on a movie or tv show.

I found value in a handful of Primeagen's videos (he inspired me to relearn C programming in a roundabout way) but the vast majority are fluff and I skip them based on the title or within the first 5 minutes.

A couple exceptions are Low Level Learning and Tsoding, who both generally stay technical, and any guest appearance by Casey Muratori will be worthwhile.

But even those, you're better off with a book or your own project to work on.


Primeagen and Theo is pure brain rot.


The best programming videos I've seen are ones where someone just pointed a camera at a teacher in a classroom setting, like the Programming Paradigms series Jerry Cain did at Stanford some years ago. No attempt to add entertainment value, just a teacher, students, and chalkboards. I wish I could find more content like that, especially about newer stuff.


Not an influencer but: Casey Muratori is great.

He's actually the opposite of the "trendsetter" kind that is being criticized here, and is more of an educator with lots of experience in both education and business.


If you think they are fun to watch, watch them for entertainment, but don't fool yourself into believing that this is "learning". Their content is the definition of "video on the most googled keywords of the day" and the quality is about what you would expect. just consider how much content they pump out and how much time it takes to actually get into any of the topics they "cover" on a daily switching basis.


Prime is almost an anti-influencer. He promotes not adding dependencies more often than not. He's the guy making fun of the Ai craze, while also genuinely reviewing the recent releases and saying people should just learn to code instead. I really wouldn't put him in this general category of fe influencers discussed here.


And the craziest part is that it is built on top of JS/HTML which is an extremely stable technology at heart.

15 years ago I wrote a small (5KLOC) vanilla JS webapp that is still in daily use by around 10 people without a single line changed. It held up better then my Win32 applications!

Almost all of the front end churn is simply a political/organizational failure.


I did that a few years ago and it was fascinating: not only did it remove near-weekly React dependency churn, it produced significant performance improvements (multiple orders of magnitude better update speed - and yes, I did the usual incantations), and the total lines of code in our repo actually went down and it was easier code because it just did what was necessary without having to deal with layers of abstractions designed to work around earlier problems created by the framework.

One of the things I realized while working on it was that it was easy because I’ve learned the web platform over the years and was able to use builtin features rather than reaching for more libraries, but a lot of younger developers only ever really learned React and are stuck the IE6 era it was designed around. That allows them to be productive, of course, but it often means that people take on layers of dependencies because once they’ve invested a lot in that path the cost of switching is really high.


> but a lot of younger developers only ever really learned React and are stuck the IE6 era it was designed around

Last release of IE6: 2008

Concerted campaign to make everybody stop using IE6: 2009

Microsoft joins that campaign: 2011

First release of React: 2013


I build simple applications for personal use like issue tracker, day planner, etc,. By default if you ask Claude it will generate React for frontend but I ask it to use HTML/CSS/JS instead. Because as a backend developer that makes sense to me. I find it hard to read the react code and want to avoid having dependency on npm.

It's surprising how well the core technology works without fancy front end frameworks. Claude does most of the grunt work related to CSS/JS allowing me to focus on more interesting things. I only have to do few minor changes here and there which I am happy to do.


Yes, 100% this. I’ve seen this idea before somewhere, but I wouldn’t be surprised if people started to basically develop more of their own software from first principles like this.

I was doing it today to create a gantt chart from mermaid.

I’ve built other applications inside react components as react seems relatively stable - I don’t really care about react though, only that it has a lot of training data for it.


Yeah it's surprising how easy many things really are. I asked Claude to spice up another vanilla JS/HTML app with a Material UI like touch ripple effect and... it simply did.

Was just around 100 lines of CSS/JS. No need to rewrite everything.


This stability does mean that old React (or Knockout, or whatever) applications will still work just fine for the end users, likewise without a single line changed.

The instability is on the tooling side (and peer deps). Getting back into a project that uses Broccoli and Bower is a nightmare. And that was just a handful of years ago. You have to become a detective, finding what combination of package versions and Homebrew dependencies were expected on the last git commit date.


> This stability does mean that old React (or Knockout, or whatever) applications will still work just fine for the end users, likewise without a single line changed.

Not in the current enterprise cyberops environment of needing to pass dependency security scans at all times.


I know, I've had to revive and make small changes to an old Angular project myself. Which is my point.

If the underlying technology hasn't really changed, why constantly break the tooling and compatibility in general?

This collective lack of discipline is exactly why I don't work in FE. It's just tiresome for no actual reason.


I will note that Bower’s last non-hotfix release was 8 years ago :)


The worst thing is that it's a cultural aspect. This deprecation and breaking stuff hell is a result of millions of micro-choices. "Why not rename MultiselectDropdown into MultiSelectButtonDropdown! And maybe replace the API of that component to a completely new one! Sounds like a cool idea!". Thousands of person-hours are spent daily for fixing results of such 'extremely important'™ breaking changes.

There is simply no culture of understanding the staggering costs of breaking APIs. This is especially frustrating after working for a decade with Go, that has backwards compatibility promise. Which somehow affects Go library developers stance on compaitbility and breaking things. The code written 10 years ago perfectly compiles and work on latest Go version, and it's such a wonderful experience.

One of the ways of escaping this JS/web hell for me was switching to Flutter. It worked great, most of the web-stack accidental complexity was happily forgotten. But this culture of "breaking package is fine" creeps in into Dart ecosystem as well, and it's annoying as hell.


I suspect the cultural issues with JS primarily boil down to the fact that every org needs JS, which in turn results in 1) a glut of junior/mid devs and 2) it naturally being ground zero for hype cycles. At this point I honestly wonder if most orgs should even hire for JS skills, or if they would be better served by hiring backend engineers and training them to write progressively enhanced UIs.


It depends on what you want to build. If you want to build impressive B2C software, this sounds like a recipe for disaster. I've worked with many backend engineers masquerading as full stack engineers who couldn't carbon copy a simple mockup design into a working UI if their life depended on it. Yet they never seem to notice how bad their implementation is, sometimes not even if you point it out to them even if the end users would notice; I think these engs are so enamored with their work they're in some kind of denial about the shortcomings. And that's just the visual parts. There's also skill required to take accessibility and conformance with web standards into account (HTML/CSS/JS stack is devious in that it lets you do things in ways that are "wrong"), which you can't easily fix later on by tweaking a bit here and there. So without this understanding, you end up with a crappy UI that's overengineered for what it is. Of course that all won't be an issue if you're building software you can sell even if the UI makes its users depressed.

Not saying your typical frontend engineer is flawless either. It's probably true that they're, on average, not as skilled sw architects as backend engineers, simply because a lot of their work focuses on details instead of architecting, and, again, the HTML/CSS/JS stack is incredibly flexible, in good and bad.


I've also experienced the other end. As a pithy saying goes, "it takes a lot of skill to write Java in every language."


The thing is brilliant UI engineers will stun you with incredible UI. It's almost like not investing in AI, you will get blind sided by products that just look and feel better. Your backend engineers are never going to cut it. This is true for backend engineers too, if you try half ass it with "full stack" devs, brilliant backend devs will stun you with things and your products will be inferior.

For example, we all got stunned by the machine learning people. We have to pay attention to everyone.


Maybe hire BE devs and use htmx.


> Which somehow affects Go library developers stance on compaitbility and breaking things. The code written 10 years ago perfectly compiles and work on latest Go version, and it's such a wonderful experience.

I'm assuming you mean against go stdlib? Because sure as hell that's not my experience upgrading random go dependencies. Mostly use go in the Kubernetes/cloud ecosystem and upgrading the dependencies is an extremely painful exercise as most libraries seem to keep renaming and shuffling their APIs.


I think that culture will happen somewhere anyway, and FE being the battle ground is probably because it's the most visible part of the experience.

I mean: some people will want to reinvent the wheel, and preferably carve their name in some monument while doing so. And there will also always be an impulse to create busywork as it's the tide that rises all the boats, inflating the workforce in the field.

The staggering costs of breaking APIs is to some a feature, not a bug, and the field will attract more and more like-minded people who then accelerate that trend.

To note, BtoB focused startups usually go for a completely different FE stacks, including long deprecated ones, or even plain staticly generated sites wherever they can get away with it.


> But this culture of "breaking package is fine" creeps in into Dart ecosystem as well, and it's annoying as hell.

It’s almost like this has nothing to do with technology and is more result of a barrier of entry that is one step about nocode solution.


What are you talking about? Websites from ten or twenty years ago are still working. If there's one technology with good backwards compatibility, then it's JavaScript.


Definitely not talking about vanilla js.


> Meanwhile in JS it seems like you can’t go more than six months without having to rewrite something. It’s bananas.

The thing is, it's totally possible, but it requires restraint and properly caring about what you pull into your project.

Back in the vanilla JS/jQuery days, when I got started, our "dependency management" was basically copy-paste .js files into a `vendor/` directory. Then nodejs/npm appeared (and bower, which FE used before using npm), and suddenly the advice became to just not program those things yourself, download the module.

But already at that point, a lot of us questioned the idea of owning thousands of hidden lines, rather than explicitly owning those, and outsourcing everything to volunteers who basically do FOSS for fun.

Even today, it's possible to care about your project enough to not bloat the invisible parts too much, if you want to be able to continue to work on the project. Again, requires restraint, and going back to the "I only need a function from this library so instead of depending on the entire library, lets just copy-paste this function into our codebase and add some tests" way of dealing with minor things.

So I guess what I'm ranting about, is that this is a people and process problem, not a JavaScript problem, because there are a lot of us JS developers who don't suffer from this problem, while large parts of the ecosystem does.


I agree you can avoid it with care, but I do think it's a JavaScript problem, at least moreso than in other languages. The culture is one of acceptance of churn. It seems like everything from minor libraries to major frameworks is much more likely to introduce a breaking change in JS than in Rust, C++, or even python. I've never written any emacs lisp that I had to change when upgrading emacs, and the third-party libraries I use there also tend to deprecate things rarely and carefully. But, if we stop working on a JS codebase for more than a few months, there's a very real chance that it will no longer build with current tools or that an upgrade to fix e.g. a security vulnerability will turn into a gordian nightmare.


Well, you should compare the JS UI ecosystem to other UI ecosystems like Android and iOS, not ecosystems that run on one machine with no UI.

Then you'd make a more sensible comparison like React versus something like SwiftUI which is constantly changing, constantly breaking, and still basically in beta mode for 10 years, yet it only runs on specific versions of Apple hardware and software. And usually it's so insufficient that you also build part of your app in UIKit/Cocoa in a completely different language.

React is far more stable to build with and far less experimental.

People who have never touched any UI tech until HTML/JS have no clue how good they have it, so they confuse universally hard things about UI tech with something that must be specific to JS, so they additionally assume it's so much better elsewhere.

You should try updating a nontrivial SwiftUI app you made for the iPhone 11 to work on the iPhone 16. Not only have your libraries changed (not just topical ones, but the Promise library you used is defunct and everything now uses Combine and 2021 Swift async features, so you have to migrate all of your async code), but the platform itself doesn't have APIs that you were using anymore. That's not even a class of problem you deal with on browser tech.


And I think the Javascript problem exists because frontend/UI is just a very complicated domain, in the sense that frontend is a big messy ball of side effects. If you've been around and saw the web grow up, and saw all the new ideas all those libraries brought to the table (jQuery deferreds becoming async/await, 960 grid slowly morphing into flexbox and css grid, etc etc) then all the breaking changes make sense, we're still in a discovery stage in the frontend. Though now that I'm not doing much FE these days I get a feel for how frustrating it is to keep up to date. The current metaframeworks also solve interesting problems (that I'm not sure I had tbh) and no doubt new web standards will follow from them. But yeah if you're a new developer who doesn't have all those years of context it must be insanely confusing to swim in a sea of libraries and frameworks without having a good grip on the core web platform.


I don't think it's a Javascript problem in the sense that it's due to intrinsics properties of Front-end developpement, or of NPM, but I do agree that's in a cultural problem in the Javascript ecosystem, especially around React.

My theory is that there was a perfect storm around 2015 where everyone and their dog was encouraged to learn to code, especially by going through a coding bootcamp where they were mainly taught Javascript and React. At the same time there was a general enthusiasm for Open-Source, and of using Github as a sort of alternative, better Linkedin in order to get your first job as a software engineer.

As a result lots of silly packages were created (and used !) by well-meaning junior developers, who were told that coding is very simple but also fraught with peril, so if they are serious then they better should use packages such as 'is-odd' which is clearly more professional than doing it yourself, cause it follows the DRY principle and also get updated test by lots of people, etc...


People have a lot of opinions of javascript because it really is the Statue of Liberty. You really can know a subset of Algol and have portable apps in the browser asap.

Well gosh darnit, then everyone and their mother is going to come to America

It's an age old envy.


> But already at that point, a lot of us questioned the idea of owning thousands of hidden lines, rather than explicitly owning those, and outsourcing everything to volunteers who basically do FOSS for fun.

This is not quite accurate, the libraries you see the most complaints about are the most popular libraries around. OP specifically complained about Apollo which widely used and backed by a SasS service and VC money. React also deprecates APIs quite often (although they are usually the more obscure parts of the API, the widely used stuff doesn't get deprecated nearly as often).

It gets worse when you add smaller libraries who do come from "volunteers who basically do FOSS for fun" because they often have peerDependencies with the big libraries but don't get updated as the big lib deprecates stuff.


> backed by a SasS service and VC money

While it's valid to distinguish this from "FOSS volunteers working for fun" in a narrow sense, I hope most here recognize by now that this is a very big red flag in exactly the same way.

A highly ambitious business soliticing VC funds will not be prioritizing the stable, long tail support for the boring little users that most of us represent.

By necessity, in their best times, they'll be chasing rocket launch opportunities that may rapidly pivot strategy, and in their worst times, they'll find themselves hunting for costly efforts to prune.

The prior invites radical rearchitecture with deprecations and breaking changes, and the latter is how things just become dusty and abandoned (or -- if a backing service was involved -- wholly inoperable).

If you want your original code to hold up for 3 and 5 and 10 years with zero/light maintenance so you can focus on emerging opportunities ofyour own, rather than endless maintenance churn, (it's reasonable that you might not need this) these "SaaS businesses with VC money" need to be seen as the pied piper luring you into the dark wood.


Yeah, fair enough, you're right, a lot of the churn is created by companies who do FOSS too.

But I think the original point stands regardless of how popular the library is, or who is backing it. Just because Facebook today cares about React, doesn't mean I'd implicitly trust them to care about it for as long as I want to care about my own project, and I certainly don't trust their use cases to always match mine, and that's OK.

I think what I was trying to get across is that "npm install lib" carries a far bigger cost than most people realize, just because it gets hidden behind "our code" while in reality, as soon as you include a library/framework into your own codebase, you need to see it as "our code" immediately.



I have a pet project (let's call it home brew Plex) that I've started some 10 years ago and every 2 years I come back to it with the same experiment - let's see what do I have to change to be in line with the current javascript trends.

And every time it leads to a complete rewrite.

And I'm not talking about changing Angular to React -- I'm talking about fundamental shifts in paradigm, tooling that falls apart, and a brand new feature that everyone has to use this season.

The paradox is that I've started my career 25 years ago doing frontend - in flash, as JS was almost noexistent in it's current form back then - and still when I have to do small eyecandy or experiment I like to use plain old ES3/ES5 JS that I can author in a notepad and run directly in a browser without needing a tooling pipeline that would put a blush on most game developers.

I think it partially comes from the fact that JS as a modern, full fledged programming language came out of the blue, with sudden demise of flash, catching everyone by surprise.

I remember when companies started shifting to js and asking for senior frontend programmers back in the days. I was thinking to myself - hey, if you want someone with 5 yoe with JS in 2013 then most people in the market will be experts on jquery plugins, not serious programming.

And I think that's the reason why the community as a whole keeps reinventing the wheel and trying to prove themselves so hard.


> Meanwhile in JS it seems like you can’t go more than six months without having to rewrite something.

And by "in JS", you really mean, "in NPM land".

So long as folks keep remaining seemingly (almost willfully) ignorant of the source of their pain and/or running right back into the fire the next time the opportunity presents itself, that pain is going to continue.

NPM sucks. It's not the way to do JS. Everyone who has ever experienced it and then written a complaint about it should be more than willing to accept this. For whatever reason, though, they aren't. (My hypothesis? They like being able to write about their pain because it gives them something and someone to kvetch about/to. See Aurornis above/below on the role of social media and influence in "FE" (i.e. browser-focused software development), and Alex Danco's "Making is Show Business Now" <>.)


the problem is that as with everything else in FE it is kind of hard to tell what successor framework will "win" and not do this to you.

Svelte and Vue were nice and stable until they were not, Deno as an alternative to NPM kind of never got any traction, and unfortunately no one has come up with a better sandbox that works the same everywhere other than the web.




The other day, I needed to quickly whip up an internal dashboard with some dynamic logic. Being somewhat lazy, I just imported jQuery and some additional scripts for it, one of the small CSS-only libraries for basic styling, put all of the custom code in a single JS file and that's it.

No toolchains. No build process. No learning about any particular way of doing state managing or rendering or what have you. Just some files and some code.

It was delightfully simple. For bigger projects I do think that the likes of Vue strike a nice balance between features and usability, but I've also seen a lot of messing around with toolchains and package versions (or even stuff like needing to migrate away from AngularJS), sometimes it's nice to avoid all of that when you don't need that complexity.


> No toolchains. No build process. No learning about any particular way of doing state managing or rendering or what have you. Just some files and some code.

To me this experience was once upon a time the single biggest selling point for the web as a development platform, and yet everyone is so eager to wade neck-deep into ever-changing library and build chain cruft instead. It’s mystifying.


Ironic that FE dev is built on HTML and CSS, two specs that are so painfully backwards compatible that the original Space Jam website from 1996 still works.

A web app written with HTML and CSS and a sprinkling of no-build Javascript will likely work as intended in 30 years.


> And if you’re an engineer, you will be able to retain much higher market value over time if you dig into and understand core web technologies

Been working in FE for nearly 20 years and lived through several major paradigm shifts. I think I am qualified to have an opinion here:

I definitely think that you will be a more well-rounded engineer if you know all the core web tech. So strongly agree there. I am skeptical, however, that it will make you more attractive on the job market. It's not that knowing this stuff doesn't matter, it's that folks that make hiring decisions tend to pattern match. The fact is that if you want to maximize your "market value", you still need to be _very_ good at React. This is table stakes. Everything else is great, but if you don't have that foundation, you're limiting your options.

Maybe that is what the author meant and I am just misreading.


Knowing basic web technologies to a deep level are very important and highly valued, especially so at larger companies where they know that the framework itself is a minor detail for skilled engineers who can pick up and be productive in any framework in less than a weeks time, so I do think you can command high market value with very deep knowledge of the platform itself.

However, that said I agree with you. Especially so when it comes to things like consulting work, contracting, etc. Having worked alongside the people who do the hiring or make the decision as to whether to bring somebody in for an interview at all in big consulting firms, they basically automatically disqualify anybody who doesn't already know the stack they prefer to use or that the client they are currently hiring somebody for uses. And this is including technical architects, so this isn't even just an issue of non-tech aligned hiring people. They simply don't want anybody to have to ramp up on the tech itself regardless of skill.

For these types of roles it is very important to be up to date if you want to stay hirable, or the hiring manager will just throw your resume in the trash before it even gets in front of an engineer who can evaluate your skills without the buzzwords.


I’d rather have my FE friends learn about API design, Unix tooling, networking, testing, hundred other things than keep re-learning a framework doing the same thing over and over


I've been in the market for 30 years, had some of the best jobs on earth doing FE, and only did my first React project last year. Maybe I'm an anomaly but I never felt that not knowing React has been a problem. "table stakes" is too strong a phrase.


To be fair, "30 years of experience" likely opens more doors than any particular skill listed on your CV - that doesn't reflect the way that a majority of junior/mid-level devs need to present their abilities, where pattern-matching is an unfortunate norm, particularly when there are orders of magnitude more applicants than open roles.


Everywhere I've worked would have judged heavy emphasis on framework expertise rather than fundamental CS concepts and web standards as a red flag. I don't think it's that rare.

Mentioning ability in React is obviously not a bad thing but some people make it their whole resume.


> Whatever framework you choose will be obsolete in 5 years.

I am predominantly not a frontend dev, but when I do do frontend work, (and I don't avoid it by any means,) I have been using React for the past... 10 years now? And while some sentiment has been moving towards Svelte, by the time Svelte overtakes React, it will have been in production for just as long probably. And Angular might eventually run out of steam, but it's been around even longer than React, if you want to count the Angular1 and Angular2+ days together. So honestly I think this is out-of-date logic. While frontend dev moves fast, it really isn't that bad. Pick boring choices and you get boring results.


> And Angular might eventually run out of steam, but it's been around even longer than React, if you want to count the Angular1 and Angular2+ days together.

I think this is true but also misses some aspects. Take Angular as an example. Angular1 and 2 cannot be compared at all, they were basically nothing alike except for the name. This burned many developers. But Angular itself is also changing quite drastically. Not as severe as with the shift from v1 to Angular2, but still severely enough that it would require some major re-adjusting. Everything is moving to standalone components, new template syntax, signals, etc.

Similar things can be said about React. React hat a major paradigm shift with the advent of functional components and hooks. They were compatible, but very different from another.

And the same thing kind of applies for less specific paradigms. First everything was SSR, then we went full steam into Single Page Apps only to return back to SSR but only partial SSR with Hydration, etc.


I agree with Angular 2 not really being the same as Angular 1. Angular in general was a lot less stable, pushing API breaks inside of release candidates and generally just playing fast and loose with things. That said, there was a migration path to go from Angular 1 to 2 incrementally. It wasn't fantastic, but if you had a large Angular 1 app, it was absolutely better than rewriting the whole damn thing.

Angular took a while longer to become more stable. React considered all of its early releases to be 0.x releases, until (I believe) 0.14 -> 15.0, at which point I'd certainly consider React fairly stable. Angular, meanwhile, was kinda unstable until I'd say around v4. Which to be honest, was still a while ago (Google says 2017) but it does bear mentioning.

> React hat a major paradigm shift with the advent of functional components and hooks. They were compatible, but very different from another.

The thing is, functional components are not new. They were a part of React 10 years ago, before React was formally considered stable. I do think hooks came a bit later, but it wasn't that much later. I know that many early React clones supported stateless functional components pretty early on.

And yes, compatibility is key. You can continue to use class components indefinitely. I don't think they have any plans to deprecate them any time soon.


Yeah but we also got lucky there - like picking the right altcoin. React was just one of many then, and the rest all crumbled. And like OPs said, modern react is quite different than it was 10 years ago


React today looks very different from React from 10 years ago. Easily as different as being a different framework. So, there is some nuance, but the logic isn't dead quite yet.


Idiomatic React is different (it now uses hooks and functional components), but the old style of class based components with methods still works, and can be mixed and matched with the newer style so gradual migration is possible. There have been some deprecations over 10 years, but there are automated code migration tools for those.


I think it's fair enough that libraries and frameworks change in ways that require your project to do some maintenance. I do not get mad when this happens with e.g. Qt. You may argue it happens a lot less frequently with Qt. Fair point, but Qt is very old compared to React. React 10 years ago wasn't even considered stable.

If you keep your dependency list short and make boring choices, your app may not still build with modern dependencies after 10 years of neglect. However, it will almost certainly not need to be entirely rewritten, either.

I think learning the fundamentals is good and people should learn to acquire less dependencies, but going as far as to say you may as well not use a framework because it will be gone in five years... I think that is hyperbolic.


Agreed, and I'd add that "obsolete" is a strong word. You can run an older framework for a long, long time. So long as people exist who know your stack and can be hired to work on it when needed, your stack is not "obsolete". "Dated", maybe. "Legacy" is also sometimes an accurate term. But until the day comes when nobody is left who will work on it, it is not "obsolete".


You can, but at some point things start breaking down. Your dependencies are all outdated and pile up CVEs (which you probably are contractually obligated to do something against.) The dev-tool extension is no longer maintained, and Sentry stops support too. You want to improve things by migrating to the new version or competing framework, but that requires lots of toil, since a lot of things changed in subtle ways or are done differently now, and that has ripple effects. Before you know it, you’ve spent four months playing the zero-sum game of rewriting your frontend. Finally you’ve made it, and then they release Tailwind 4.


Coincidentally, I just migrated something from Tailwind v3 to v4, even though Tailwind isn't really much my cup of tea. The migration tool that they ship was able to do everything. e.g. I ran it, then my project built and worked with v4 instead of v3.

Likewise, there haven't really been any major API changes in React lately either, but if you want it to be automated, they ship react-codemods which will handle a surprising amount of edge cases for you when upgrading.


I've been doing React for about 10 years. Just started playing with Svelte 5 a few days ago.

It's so simple to work with. Built a simple stock allocation app and what surprised me most was the bundle size... 9kb (gzip). That's better than any other framework I am aware of. That's even smaller than htmx which is somewhat "anti-js"


Are you using the same version of React that you started 10 years ago? More importantly can you use the React version that was 10 years ago ? Can you even build a 10 year project ?


At a previous job, the frontend was a ClojureScript codebase dating back to around 2013, with a React-based UI. The codebase survived a decade of major upgrades to ClojureScript and React, and many chunks of code in git blame dated back to 2013 - 2014. For reference, ClojureScript's first public release was in 2011, and the React wrapper the codebase used dates back to December 2013.

I think the strong focus on backwards compatibility is what helped ClojureScript (and CLJS libraries we used) stay largely unchanged, but we had plenty of "React code" that wasn't changed at all between 2013 and 2022 since it met business requirements and "just worked".

Unfortunately, I don't work there anymore, but I don't see why it'd be impossible to build the early version of that frontend today. Recently, I've been using TypeScript for frontend, and the codebase is still surviving major upgrades to React, TypeScript, and the various libraries we use.

However, I will admit that the pace at which libraries release is extremely fast compared to other ecosystems I'm familiar with (Clojure, Java, Rust, etc.).


Well, that's just moving the goal posts. I never said you wouldn't have to do any maintenance at all, just that the floor doesn't just fall from under everyone every 5 years. Even outside of frontend, most ecosystems move fast enough that projects from 10 years ago would be in pretty bad shape. That's long enough that even many C/C++ projects will not compile, if nothing else, as a result of improvements to compilers.

As far as a React program from 2015, the maintenance required to get it working in modern React probably wouldn't be all that bad. The biggest transition in React's existence was the move from createClass to ECMAScript 2015 classes. React predates the existence of ECMAScript 2015 classes, having been released in 2013, but once they were available React 13 (2015) they were pretty quickly adopted for reasons obvious. So I'd expect a project from 10 years ago to probably still be using ECMAScript 2015 classes. If not, that transition is mostly mechanical. Definitely a few other potential compatibility breaks over the years, but they're all documented. None of them are going to require a full application rewrite.

Can you build a project from 10 years ago, using 10 year old React? Well, yeah, if you want to. You'll need to use an old version of Node.js most likely, but npm still has all of the old packages.


I don't think it's moving the goal posts. It's a very reasonable thing to ask. I have Go projects that are now 10 years old that require zero maintenance on my part.

I also do frontend as my day job, and it's extremely hard to get any old react project to work with current tooling. The migration work basically amounts to a total rewrite and that's the issue with react.

Sure if you were using just react that is okay, but how many frontend projects are JUST using react? The issue with react has always been the community surrounding it. Library recommendations that use to be "best practices" get churned into the next thing marketers want to push.

It's very wasteful in our community because we are just tilting at windmills rather than focusing on the harder problems we have to collectively sell. We should start shunning tools that enable this churn, not all frontend communities are like this either but the popular ones seem to be.


In React 10 years ago, you included a <script> tag in your HTML page and added interactivity via "React.createClass()" function calls.


To be fair...

Webpack existed 10 years ago, and that was after Browserify had already existed for a bit, too. The era of bundling was already in full swing in 2015, and React gained support for ES Classes, too.

React wasn't really terribly usable without bundling. Prior to bundling, there were multiple competing adhoc module systems, but obviously this wasn't fantastic for a variety of reasons. AngularJS 1.0 was great in part because the dependency injection system kind of took care of a lot of trouble; you could have a workflow in Gulp/Grunt concatting your JS together, and the order didn't really matter a ton since dependency injection would largely handle it.

React moved relatively quickly in the first few years, but 10 years ago was already not the very beginning of React. It was starting to mature by that point.


It's not just React, but all the other rando packages that your co-workers installed.


Yes, exactly. Please stop doing that! It's not only bad for maintenance to install random packages that get maintained for a couple years (or sometimes barely any time at all,) it's also bad for your bundle sizes. It is annoying having to do a lot more stuff by hand, but it's really not that bad.

If you're going to choose third party packages for something, at least vet that they have good support, are backed by a developer or entity that has been around for a while, and that the library itself is sufficiently mature.


Svelte will never overtake react. It won’t even overtake Vue.


Honestly, I don't even really care that much which frontend library wins, and I've been mostly happy with React as a foundation to build off of. If the future is some Rust-based framework compiled to WASM, that's ultimately fine with me. Just as long as whatever it is is relatively performant and stable and doesn't add 1 megabyte of code to every pageload.


To jump off the treadmill is not using a fronted framework: at all, and not using a random one and not rewriting the code later. Server side rendering, JavaScript only when needed, no separation between backend and frontend folks in the company.


> no separation between backend and frontend folks in the company.

This is the biggest gain available anywhere.

When you have one engineer who is empowered to write SQL specifically crafted to pull the exact columns required to SSR a web view (which they are also responsible for), you don't need to spend a single second thinking about APIs or ORMs or whatever. You just need to know SQL and modern vanilla HTML/CSS/JS. The server-side programming ecosystem really starts to take a back seat since most of what you are doing is transforming views of the business (SQL) to DOM (HTML).

I think the end game is doing SSR of web content inside the RDBMS (e.g., Oracle APEX), but most engineers aren't ready for that conversation yet. I know I wasn't when I saw it for the first time in the wild. We're very attached to our modes of suffering.


Does writing HTML into database entries count? Because certain large entertainment companies are ahead of the curve if so.


Plain HTML and plain CSS (well, maybe with SASS) are pretty great.

Plain JS loses much to plain Typescript though, to my mind.


It's not too difficult to use the TypeScript type checker on JS files, so it's possible to reap most of those benefits without having to introduce a compilation step.


> I think the end game is doing SSR of web content inside the RDBMS

OR just embed the RDBMS into your application!


SQLite is certainly a very good option. You could bind a handful of UDFs and turn it into a poor man's Oracle stack.


Well said. The BE / FE split has been a really bad experiment. It has exasperated the issue where the FE is overly complex because there are people on a FE team, so they toil away and just add complexity. It is also problematic that we have so many people who only know web development and nothing else.


It's not an experiment though. The divide is clear, you have a client application, and then server applications that the client talks to. This is even more true if you want a lot of interactivity. This line isn't going away anytime soon. There will always be an application that runs on the edge device or machine, and it needs to talk to some other application to store and retrieve data.


The secret is to make the thing that runs on the backend the application, and the thing that runs on the edge device the user interface.


As someone who's been on teams/products that did away with the front/back separation back in the php era I think that's a terrible idea.

When things go wrong, which they will given enough time, size and complexity, the blast radius is much bigger.

I still remember trying to change an onboarding page on a website only to find code with goto statements that jump to places that does db calls, messes with code for c processes that supposed to run on an embedded devices (they shared the same codebase), the include statements that executed stuff and had a non trivial call graph that made it hard to refactor, etc.

Meanwhile when things went real wrong on team/projects with bad frontend you could just nuke it (and maybe the people who made it) and restart another frontend in parallel, instead of preparing an excavation taskforce to carefully split the back from the front.

Now I know the first reaction would be duh just have a separation between the concerns and don't write shit code, but I'm talking about when things go wrong (maybe before you got there). The FE/BE split is one of those lessons that I'm thankful managers learned.


I wonder what you think of components. Back in the day it was heresy to mix css html and js. Everything was separated. Nowadays a component mixes them all.

In a way, it is exactly the example opposite of what you mention.


I think you're conflating the coders with the code. I read the upthread comments as advocating against dedicated FE/BE coders, not against dedicated FE/BE code bases.

Of course you want your embedded C separate from your CSS! The critique, I think, is that you don't want a front end team, because if your front end is in good shape, then they'll change things just to keep busy.


This comment is steeped in bias. The front end is not complex for its own sake, it’s complex because APIs are needlessly rigid:


Delete the API, render your html on the server, problem solved.


I think you mean exacerbated


I get really exacerbated when people make this mistake.


> The BE / FE split has been a really bad experiment.

What do you mean - "full stack" is very popular and frankly produces some of this weird unmaintainable code. Hiring backend-y type people and making them develop UI (with state especially) is where half these companies realize "crap we need a front end developer"..


I agree 100%, but "JavaScript only when needed" is a loaded phrase. Especially when you don't have an engineering-centric culture.

Product/Design teams will kick and scream into getting you to add as much javascript tchotchkes as possible with zero regard for usability, performance, accessibility or good engineering.


No separation between backend and front end is hard. I’m not good at front end, and we don’t have a designer. I’m miles better on backend though and other team members are more talented than me for front end design.


Design shouldn't be part of front end engineering - there is a reason there is a separate role for that, designer.


Yeah I agree, but we don't have a designer so what am I to do? I think I'm good at the frontend engineering as in breaking down component structure, passing data around etc. but I can't make something look good enough to meet my own standards.


You would probably be decent at frontend if you did it at least 20% of the time. Obviously you can't be an expert at everything, but there is enormous value in being able to work on most things end to end instead of having to handoff every time.


I do it about 40% of the time - I'm just straight up not good at it, which is okay. I can get by, but it would be better for the company for somebody else to be doing it. Specialization can be good!


Yea people should just learn Elixir/Phoenix and forget about all their npm js issues...


It's amazing what CSS can do these days.

I'm working on a side project where one of my initial constraints was I wanted the entire site to degrade gracefully when JavaScript was disabled. This led me to a situation where whenever I wanted to add some function that would typically be done with JavaScript, I'd ask, "Can I do this without JavaScript?" To my surprise, the answer so far has always been yes. It's amazing what CSS selectors on basic HTML controls can do these days. There's still not a line of JS in that codebase.


So you're just jumping on the backend treadmill.


Yeah, agreed - but I do think using vue, react, whatever on certain pages really has its benefits. Sometimes a UI really is improved by using features that Vue makes really easy to implement.

Of course it's possible without Vue - but you have to do a lot more work in many cases... so, what's the point?


I love it when people phrase this as a frontend problem. It's not a frontend problem. It's just a "it's a huge ecosystem with new players" problem.

I've seen this in Java 15 years ago when it was the front of innovation (I can name dozens of frameworks, and a half dozen build systems coming out in as many years). React 17-18 is quite a minor change then perl 5->6 or python 2->3

For backend instead of "let's use this new framework", I get the "let's use this new LANGUAGE" - the newest hottness is to rewrite something in Rust. It was Go before that, haskell, scala, F# (yes I got that too).

You think migrating your frontend code from react to svelte or whatever is troublesome, trying rewriting that VB 6 app :) (Or god forbid something like RPC where your data is in the code)

Not saying that the unstableness of engineering practices aren't a problem. It's a huge problem. Just that it's not a frontend problem.


React has been around for 11 years. The amount of stuff that's online that tells you to do something with it one way when the react devs tell you to do it another is _astonishing_. And that's just from the last few years.

Or take webpack that's been around for 13 years. The way things are set up even within the last few years have changed dramatically.

If Apache configs moved as much as these systems did, no one would use Apache.


So true xD

Just left a code screen where I have never seen more useCallback in my life. I hope it's ok that I deleted it and did it the right way xD We'll see.

I pretty much useState/useEffect everything. Between fetch and those 2... you can make essentially any front-end.

Come across the occasional React.memo() I'm like BRO.

The FE data layers are:

• useState

• await response.json()


• process.env

Be a normal guy.


I was never able to understand what useCallback does.


Considering all the advancements that Vanilla JS and CSS have made in recent years (plus exciting features like animating "display: none" that are almost fully adopted), I think templated HTML on the server + JS where it's needed, makes more sense than ever. And, that's coming from someone who largely makes their living from React.

Like the author, I've been doing frontend in one way or another for 20 years. The ecosystem, churn, and the absolute juggling act of sync'ing state between the frontend and backend is batshit crazy.

I recently started a proof of concept project using Go templates and HTMX. I'm trying to approximate building a UI with "components" like I would with React. There's still a lot of rough edges, but it's promising. I'm still not sure I need HTMX tbh. I've started managing event listeners myself, and I think I prefer it.

Interestingly enough, managing complex UI state that's based on user roles and permissions is so much easier on the server. Just send the HTML that the user is allowed to see. Done.

That said, React, Vue, et. al has sooo much steam. I don't know how a collective shift in thinking would even begin. Especially considering all the developers who have never known anything but frontend frameworks as a way to build a UI.


When I made my first website I read things online like "svelte is better than react" and "solid-js will be the next big thing", and I thought this was an important part of web development. Newbies should read MDN and ignore everything else.


> Newbies should read MDN and ignore everything else.

I think people forget how inaccessible it is for a newbie to start writing pure javascript directly from the API reference.

People need tutorials and walkthroughs, and need to build a an internal understanding of how these all work.

Frameworks help them abstract all that


> I think people forget how inaccessible it is for a newbie to start writing pure javascript directly from the API reference.

That's when you buy a book and try to do practice projects, and learn how everything works.


MDN has exactly those kinds of tutorials and walk throughs! It’s not all API documentation


I've been using MDN for a decade, and this is a TIL!


React's been around long enough and is dug in deep enough to have decent ROI on knowing fairly well, but the recent obsession with Next.js and SSR...maybe not. Privately I think this might be their undoing.


I agree with learning React, it pops up in all sorts of places, vscode extensions, the windows start menu apparently.

But yes, mixed-rendering, server functions, meta-frameworks, etc. You are in real danger of spending years learning all this stuff and still not being any closer to knowing how computers work.


Which version of react?

Hooks or classes?

Or whatever comes next.


You can still write class-based components in React, no problem. It might not be in vogue, but for the most part, you can still write React 18.x roughly the same way you wrote React 0.x.


> Whatever framework you choose will be obsolete in 5 years.

I've been writing React professionally for over a decade at this point. I don't know what this guy's on about.


How many dependencies does your package.json file declare? Which versions of node/npm does your team use?

If you're on recent-enough versions and are using any popular libraries, you will have seen the deprecation notices pile up during npm install for downstream dependencies.


Dependencies issue is not exclusive to frameworks. If you don't want to reinvent the wheel, there's no way around using packages, even if you go with vanilla JS.


None? I use it from ClojureScript. I've been maintaining a React-based app with Semantic UI for 10 years now.


Then you aren't doing what the author is talking about.


Do you mean your package.json literally has no dependencies declared (or you don't even have package.json)? If so, you're not using frontend tooling like 98% of development teams.


Component lifecycle methods to hooks and HOCs, does that ring a bell?


Yeah, and I'm not anywhere near as distressed about it as this article implies I should be.


As a BE engineer when that happened, I had just started to become proficient in it, coming from Angular. I threw in the towel and went back to my backend world of peace and happiness. So he's not alone, these deprecations are insane.


Most likely because you work on apps in active development. Wait till someone asks you to add some feature in app that was deployed a few years ago and need something new.

Maybe fixing security issues by updating the dependencies? How likely will that happen without you having to rewrite the code of the app?


Class components and HOCs aren’t deprecated though.


They're very much not "best practices", and will be deprecated soon (if they're not already).


The transition to hooks was worth it.


I'm not convinced.

- they're much harder to learn and understand than the callback hooks from class components

- The built in ones hide all the ways React is managing state for you behind obscure names that don't reflect how or when to use any of them

- The new-ish `use` built-in doesn't follow the same usage rules as the rest of them (you can use it in places you can't use the others)

- the stateful ones create side effects (unless you pretend that state is an argument), so they don't even follow an easy-to-grasp version of the functional paradigm

- they have strange quirks (like you basically have to write your component function to use its hooks before you render anything... so you can't early return)

- the mental model for how to put them together when you're writing custom ones is a little bit funky too.

- the early "advert" for them was that we could put all our domain knowledge together in one place, rather than spread about over multiple callbacks. Given that we usually need to interact with a couple of domains at a time, in time with component lifecycles, I think this makes the code harder to work with rather than easier




How's your Create React App support in 2025? Are you still keeping your app on React 15?


It takes ten minutes to switch from CRA to Vite.


I think that's only if you've rehearsed it several times. Although now that I think about it, you will probably have to do it multiple times, so once you get good at it, that may be a reasonable estimate.


My current firm is still on 16 and just trying to make it to 18 because of the deprecations.

All of the WYSIWYG editors that work on 16 are no longer supported. it's a "cross your fingers" in case someone found a security issue (or don't use them)

React 16 is still supported, but it's definitely obsolete.


Idiomatic Reacts historical changes pretty often. In large codebases major version upgrades can take teams multiple quarters to complete.




I've been writing React professionally for over a decade and React from 5 years ago is obsolete. Like, literally won't build with current tools. To their credit, I think the React code itself has maintained reverse compatibility pretty well (it's not React's fault), but the build systems I was using 5 years ago have all changed and broken reverse compatibility. EDIT: Forgot about component lifecycle methods...

Even a well-maintained project like React can't escape the squalor of its ecosystem.

I don't always have this option, but usually these days I choose vanilla JS, imported with no build system, do as much as I can with Python/Django on the backend, and opt out of the JavaScript ecosystem entirely. I haven't regretted it.


Some of the problem with React and npm is that they are a victim of their own success.

React lets you suck in 80 components from 15 different vendors and it works. NPM lets you suck in more dependencies than many other systems because it deals with diamond dependencies better than other systems [1]

Because you can mix and match so many widget sets no wonder you will have trouble when those widget sets change.

[1] package A can import version B of package C, package D can import version E of package C -- so long as A and D don't exchange objects from package C there is never a problem, even if they do it might work.


The problem is more cultural than technical. JavaScript folks see the ready availability of dependencies as a feature rather than a risk, including the creation of a plethora of micro-dependencies (such as the left pad fiasco).

React itself is an exception which is well-developed because a competent developer team (Facebook's) depends on it. The vast majority of JS libraries are absolute garbage from idea to implementation to maintenance. Nobody should be depending on these libraries, and yet the vast majority of JS projects do depend on these libraries.

You can certainly run into similar problems in, for example, Python, if you decide to import all of pip with impunity, and there are certainly Python projects with this problem that I've worked on. But Python at least has a core group of commonly used libraries that keep sane dependency trees. You literally can't build modern JavaScript without using some bleeding edge nonsense that won't work in a few years.

Thankfully, as I've said before, you don't have to use the mainstream toolchains. Browsers and standards organizations have been much better about at least not breaking reverse compatibility.


If it's a 5 year old project, you probably shouldn't be building it with the current versions of tools. You need to pin your dependencies and use the same versions of the tools as before. It'd be the same thing with libraries if you didn't have a lockfile. Your development tools need one too.


> If it's a 5 year old project, you probably shouldn't be building it with the current versions of tools.

Bold of you to assume I have worked in React for this long and somehow didn't know about this brittle solution to a problem which shouldn't have existed in the first place.

How does your solution handle packages that no longer exist? Let me guess, we back up the packages? Okay, so these packages don't run on new versions of relevant binaries--do we back up the binaries as well? How bad does it have to get before you admit it's a tire fire?


> To their credit, I think the React code itself has maintained reverse compatibility pretty well (it's not React's fault), but the build systems I was using 5 years ago have all changed and broken reverse compatibility.

That's a problem with your build system then, not React. There is (or was) indeed a lot of churn in build systems, but you wouldn't have been spared unless you had chosen to not use a build system - which is still possible with React, but not with Svelte, Vue or Angular.

My current position on build systems is that if it doesn't work out of the box with esbuild, I'm not using it. If it does work out of the box with esbuild, then it's likely also going to work with whatever comes after.


I just had a thought and decided to look it up.

This side conversation started as an objection to the comment, "Whatever framework you choose will be obsolete in 5 years."

The first release of esbuild was November 2020, i.e. it didn't exist 5 years ago. And that release fixed... conditional statements in TypeScript--a pretty basic feature to be broken. Does that sound like something you want to use in production?

So maybe your strategy of only using things that work with esbuild doesn't address the problem as much as you think it does.


> That's a problem with your build system then, not React.

Did you read the sentence that you're "correcting"?

> My current position on build systems is that if it doesn't work out of the box with esbuild, I'm not using it. If it does work out of the box with esbuild, then it's likely also going to work with whatever comes after.

Your optimism is admirable.


Didn't React deprecate itself entirely circa 2018?


They just keep stirring his slop and he keeps eating it, that's all I'm reading here


"That was some good slop, sir. Can I come back here for lunch every day for the next 10 years?"

Hilarious, and accurate.


I think this issue will slow down as LLMs become more prominent. I find myself being naturally dissuaded from the "shiny, new thing" because it means my LLM won't have a deep set of materials to draw from.

Writing in Bevy was really hard because it was a niche language that has breaking changes every three months.

Writing in Svelte has been decent/good, but LLMs constantly prefer using v4's syntax rather than v5's runes -- even with Cursor rules and reminders.

At some point I think the tools will become so overwhelmingly part of my workflow that I'll prefer sticking with the old rather than moving to the new and losing access to well-written LLM code code.


This sounds like it could also be a terrible thing: LLMs freezing progress in languages.

It’s kind of analogous to how the entire web became a slave to SEO.


I agree. I'm concerned with the implications, too.


Good read and I agree fully.

Also been doing webdev for 20+ years now and I'm still very happy with the CHAMP stack.

CHAMP of course standing for: CSS, HTML, Apache, MySQL and PHP. As you can see, there's no J in CHAMP.

I have been doubting my choice in the past, because everybody was using (frontend) frameworks and the like and I'm just a social animal like everybody else. I'm happy I stuck with the stuff I already knew from around 2004, but I feel for all kinds of younger developers who got dragged into the trap.


If you want to include some dynamic elements without getting into the whole frontend framework thing, HTMx is pretty great for that.


Oh, I do include some JS, just a little bit. A little sprinkle on top, that's enough for my use cases. But CHAMPj just doesn't sound that nice. ;)


After developing applications using native windowing toolkits for over fifteen years, I looked at React briefly in 2015 and have avoided it since. Currently working on several HTML+CSS proofs of concept to support interactive UIs.


It's not a frontend problem but a JS-ecosystem problem. Happens in the backend too.

The JS landscape is an absolute mess where dependencies have dozens if not hundreds of other dependencies. As an example, this is the dependency graph of Platformatic (a Node framework based on Fastify):

Each of those dependencies could be abandoned at any moment. Even huge dependencies like Axios or Express seemed to have been abandoned at one point.

And then each dependency is ruled by whatever their maintainers think is right. Just the other day a dependency I use in prod with aprox 25M downloads per week (React is aprox 26M) and used by 10M Github repos decided it was ok to drop support for Safari versions from about 3 years ago. It's just insane considering Safari has +50% mobile market share in the US.


Based on the first paragraph alone, almost all devs I know think that a complete rewrite will solve all the issues, thats not only frontend but backend too.

Web development in its current form is a beast and if we want true change we need to fix the biggest issue there is for all of webdev: Forcing everything into Javascript and incompetence. I wont claim I am competent, but at least I acknowledge that SvelteReactVueSolidNextNuxt is not the solution but rather trying to patch up some symptoms... The Web needs true change.


Basically we are in this scenario: Honestly though I think WASM might be the final state of the web.


WASM makes things worse because now "rewrite it in hip new frontend framework X" has more options. Tired of React? Try Blazor WASM (C#) or any of the exciting new Rust-based front ends or any of the up-and-comers in Swift, Go, Perl, Befunge, Intercal, and other favorite languages or flavors of the month. Dart's not just a thing for people installing Chrome Extensions, now you can use it in WASM almost like Father Google intended when Dart was originally envisioned.

Most of these languages can at least use Web Components for some sort of interoperability. At least the ones doing FFI to JS for DOM manipulation. Of course the "new WASM hotness" for "performance" is "do everything in a canvas and avoid the DOM altogether".

Every WASM "app" is an opaque VM to itself. Many WASM languages bundle a lot of things the browser already provides (beyond the ones also building their own DOM engines for canvas-based UIs) including things like GC. Maybe future proposals like WASM GC will start to break down the barriers between WASM languages/runtimes, and open up more instances of memory sharing and data structure reuse. Maybe. The flipside is every GC is special and not every language wants a weak version of JS' GC underpinning their memory management. Hopes for real convergence of WASM language runtimes seem very optimistic to me. (Especially in a world where even the JS DOM is being skipped for canvas apps because some languages want that control.)

WASM may be the final state of the web in terms of being the diaspora of too many languages running on the web and the true death of the View Source web.


FFI is new for me. Foreign function interface?

> A foreign function interface (FFI) is a mechanism by which a program written in one programming language can call routines or make use of services written or compiled in another one

Nifty, will remember that.


I'd be fine with pure HTML Websites, just give me a way to make auth extremely secure.

Been ditching js based things outside of work and I'm really enjoying BEAM. It is puzzling to me why companies prefer having 200 microservices orchestrated with Kubernetes if they could have it so much easier by ditching js...


> I think WASM might be the final state of the web

Oh sweet summer child, we've been close to the "final state of the web" for as long as I've done web development.


> The Web needs true change.

Here's how that works: Make something better and get people to adopt it. "The web" isn't set in stone, it's a series of tubes. Be warned though, odds are you will fail to gain traction because while we all agree that the web sucks, we all disagree on what the change should be.

I for one have the complete opposite take regarding Javascript. Just give up on the web as a declarative document platform and embrace it as an application platform. Use an actual programming language instead of adding yet another feature to the Rube Goldberg machine that is HTML+CSS. That's not solving any real problems, it's just making it incrementally less feasible to have multiple browser implementations and anyway it's not like you'll want to use the feature until years down the line when it's gone through the whole standard and adoption phase.


How will you scale your take on this? We are currently facing incredible scaling issues and complexity in web dev because of js based systems.

Meanwhile companies that ditch js have great success (whatsapp, discord, ...)

Js in the browser is fine, but with node and Nuxt or Next we now have it where it doesn't belong.


The big problem with scaling JS on the server is threading. There's simply no way to do it. You can spin up multiple processes, but then the communication overhead gets you.

The spec committee needs to bake in actors and they need to add tuples/records so sharing data across actors is easy and free. Finally, Typescript needs to bake in a warning to tell you when your code is going megamorphic so you can change it so the JIT can actually optimize for you (I think most JS devs would be shocked to find out just how much of their code is incapable of ever getting advanced optimizations).