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A Congresswoman with Dementia Stopped Coming to Work. The DC Press Never Noticed


I think this is an important article to read. If we allow ourselves to be completely mesmerised by the A story of politics we (as a people, not necessarily individually) lose the sense of power and responsibility that allows us to meaningfully shape our society.

Think how much more information and investment you get from your Uber Eats order than your elected officials.


  Instead, philanthropically funded outlets may be left to do what the free market cannot.
Private philanthropy is an example of a free market transaction, just buying something that has a value not immediately in money, like respect from self or others. And routine free market transactions are how the resources for philanthropic ones are gathered. If rich capitalists are doing the funding it is capitalist funding. There seems to be a common attitude that if an act is pro social it is therefore not capitalist, since that contradicts an implicit definition.


man, its sad and worrying about our boomer representatives, but I think this eulogy of the press is even sadder about the person who wrote all that because I can't bring myself to care.

made it halfway though, a record?