RubyLLM: A delightful Ruby way to work with AI
·March 11, 2025Multiplayer
There’s a lot of folks who get immense schadenfreude talking about things they know nothing about to strangers on the internet who also don’t know anything.
Don’t let it bum you out.
Such a breath of fresh air compared to poor DX libraries like langchain
I’ve found the Ruby community really cares about DUX. Not sure why it’s not in other language communities
I don’t really mean this to be derogatory toward people who enjoy other things, but Ruby is a language and ecosystem for people who have taste.
Matz said he designed Ruby to optimize for developer happiness, it’s just a core principle of the language since it was created
Would anyone happen to know of a similar library with as good DX but for JavaScript or TypeScript?
langchain and llamaindex are such garbage libraries: not only they never document half of the features they have, but they keep breaking their APIs from one version to the next.
What about it is a breath of fresh air? (apparently this is something taboo to ask).
This is an obviously fishy post!
This is a beautiful API. Thanks for the work. Here's hoping for a nice ruby agent framework in the near future too!
saw this the other day:
haven't tried it yet though
Is this gonna be the thing that finally makes me tried Rails? Ruby syntax really is just nice.
I think it's the very nice-looking and clean high-level API that should be a pleasure to use (when it fits the job, of course).
I'm pretty sure this API semantics (instance builder to configure, and then it's ask/paint/embed with language-native way to handle streaming and declarative tools) would look beautiful and easy to use in many other languages, e.g. I can imagine a similar API - save, of course, for the Rails stuff - in Python, C# or Erlang. While this level of API may be not perfectly sufficient for all possible LLM use cases, it should certainly speed up development time when this level of API is all that's possible needed.
Interesting cause I submitted this some time ago and I just did another one on
But it seems as a domain is blocked entirely. Hopefully Ruby gets another chance in AI era.
One of the most concise APIs to interact with an llm!
Keep going! Happy to see ollama support PR in draft.
Oh just beautiful. Ruby is so expressive and concise.
If you see the typescript options it's like giving yourself a water boarding session through your own volition.
Ruby is alive and well!
Wow. So thoughtful.
Ruby: late to the party, brought a keg.
been using for years with no issues which is a fine gem and works great.
What about it is so thoughtful?
Ruby has a bunch of tools to interact with LLMs already. Also has had bindings to stuff like Torch and Tensorflow for years.
Why does this say it was posted four hours ago on the front page, four days ago on Agolia, 3 days ago on /from and the comments are all from minutes to hours ago here?
The threads have presumably been merged; look at the submitters in the history.
> 166 points|ksec|4 days ago|21 comments
> 168 points by ksec 4 hours ago
But yes; it’s a bit dodgy to resurface old news like this imo and pretend it’s new news.
I’d go as far as to say that being at #1, under the circumstances, means it’s been artificially boosted somehow.
I haven’t the foggiest why anyone would bother though.
Saw this gem of a gem on reddit earlier today and there were some trollish comments about no one using ruby anymore blah blah blah which quietly bummed me out. Surprised and Delighted to see it as #1 here on HN tonight!