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Ask HN: Best way to simultaneously run multiple projects locally?

Ask HN: Best way to simultaneously run multiple projects locally?


·March 7, 2025

Hey HN, I often work on couple of projects at the same time and am trying to figure out what’s the easiest way to run all of them at once.

For example, let’s say that I want to run frontend and two backend services (each it’s own repo).

My current approach is to run each on a different port, but I actually wonder whether setting up a small Kubernetes cluster with Traefik as proxy wouldn’t serve me better as I could then use Skaffold or something similar to deploy apps independently to the cluster.

Basically looking for true and tested solutions. Thanks.


Woah, so much overcomplication in the comments!

If you want to run multiple applications, how about ... just running them? It sounds like you already do that, so what is the real problem that you are trying to solve?

If it's annoying to start them by hand one by one, you could use Foreman or Overmind to start them with a single command, and interleave their output in a terminal.


I also dont know why OP wants to jump into kubernetes directly instead of just using docker...


> jump into kubernetes directly instead of just using docker

Option A: learn k8s, use it for anything containerized. Don't use the complicated parts if you don't need them.

Option B: learn docker (docker compose I guess?), use that... then also learn k8s because you'll eventually have to anyway


I'd argue most companies would never have to touch k8s but Docker is a valuable skill to have.


Even Docker ... does that solve a problem OP has?


Yes, just write a small docker compose file and you can start all of the services with 1 command. Either isolated or connected, however OP wants to use them.


I hadn't come across overmind before and searching turned up several very different projects.

I think the parent comment is referring to this one:


Everybody loves their random port numbers these days, but I still prefer custom hostnames.

Just chuck an entry into your hosts file and tell your web server to sniff for it and you’re done. Run your stuff on port 80 like nature intended and never have to teach either end of your app how to deal with colons and numbers in domain names.

And you get to skip the six paragraphs of pain the other commenters are describing, orchestrating their kubernetes and whatnot.

e.g.: http://dev.whatever/


This is the right answer. But use the .test domain as this is meant for the usecase.


I like to combine both locally — bind to port 0 to get an arbitrary unprivileged port, and use domains in /etc/hosts for easier configuration ;-)

For those not familiar with what you are talking about, you can add things like the following to your /etc/hosts file:  foo.local
They will all resolve to local host, so make sure to bind your services to those IP addresses (eg. `nc -l 80` will bind only to on port 80).

But running on unprivileged ports like 80 means you've got to run the server as root.


At least on macOS you don't even need to add to /etc/hosts, just use .localhost as the TLD.


Different ports.

Don't add unnecessary complexity unless it's strictly necessary.


Or, if you want to get a bit more fancy, use different IP addresses.

For IPv4 you have the entire 127.0-255.0-255.1-255 subnet available to you.

For IPv6 you can add additional addresses to your existing network interface.


I use the extensively for local development and add entries in /etc/hosts so I get dns resolution as well. It works great.


I wonder why there aren't super popular solutions for managing hosts entries in an automated way for development, since if you need to share entries with other people for a bunch of projects, then adding them manually is cumbersome and running a separate DNS server just for development is not less so, whereas using public DNS records set to local addresses seems a bit dirty.

In other words, where's:

  hostman apply Hostfile
  hostman clear Hostfile


That’s a huge trap.

Yes, it’s simple at the beginning but it takes a lot of effort to move to non-port based solution for anything.

Cuts are small at the beginning (oh, this service should use other PostgreSQL, so lets have two - oh but I my code doesn’t specify port in an config file, so let me put on direnv - oops IDE didn’t pick up env file) but they grow quickly.

Containers are standard nowadays and allow going for Kubernetes if one wants. With solutions like Justfile or Taskfile its reasonably ergonomic.


Depends on which type of scale you are running. And it's not worth overengineering a project for a scale you hope to achieve some day. It will take away engineering resources from building something that provides value today


We use the following steps:

- Each service listens on a different, fixed port (as others have recommended).

- Have a single command (incrementally) build and then run each service, completely equivalent to running it from your IDE. In our case, `dotnet run` does this out of the box.

- The above step is much easier if services load their configuration from files, as opposed to environment variables. The main configuration files are in source control; they never contain secrets, instead they contain secret identifiers that are used to load secrets from a secret store. In our case, those are `appsettings.json` files and the secret store is Azure KeyVault.

- An additional optional configuration file for each application is outside source control, in a standard location that is the same on every development machine (such as /etc/companyname/). This lets us have "personal" configuration that applies regardless of whether the service is launched from the IDE or the command-line. In particular, when services need to communicate with each other, it lets us configure whether service A should use a localhost address for service B, or a testing cluster address, or a production cluster address.

- We have a simple GUI application that lists all services. For each service it has a "Run" button that launches it with the command-line script, and a checkbox that means "other local services should expect this one to be running on localhost". This makes it very simple to, say, check three boxes, run two of them from the GUI, and run the third service from the IDE (to have debugging enabled).



I’ll also recommend commercial OrbStack for Mac, because it simplifies some configuration and is performant.

That was my focus over the last couple months (and right now with customer solution I’m running tens of isolated clusters of heterogenous services and custom network configurations).

I’ve tried nix, local Caddy/Haproxy, Direnvs, Devenvs, dozens of task file runners, DAG runners etc.

Kubernetes is fine but it’s a domain in its own and you’ll end up troubleshooting plenty of things instead of doing work itself.

The simplest solution I would recommend is a task runner (Justfile/Taskfile) with containers (either built or with volumes attached - this prevents secrets leakage). Pay special attention to artifact leakage and clone volumes instead of mutating them.

I don’t recommend Docker Compose because it has low entry and a high ceiling and it takes long time to back out.

For simple clusters (5-8 containers) it’s working well. If you need to level up my personal recommendation would be:

- Go for pure programmatic experience (I’ve tested bunch of API clients and IMO it’s less time learning Go than troubleshooting/backfilling missing control flow features) - there’s also Magefile for simplified flows

- Full Kubernetes with templating language (avoid YAMLs like a plague)

- Cuelang if you want to go for full reliability (but it’s difficult to understand and documentation is one of the worst I ever read through).


Using Kubernetes can be good for your resume.

What I usually do is to use different ports on my workstation. So I can get the fastest iteration, by keeping things simple. Be careful to keep the ports straight, though.

You can put the port numbers and other installation-specific files in a `.env` file, application-specific config file, or a supplemental build system config file, that aren't checked into Git.

One way I did this was to have a very powerful `Makefile` that could not only build a complicated system and perform many administrative functions, of a tricky deployment, but also work in both development and production. That `Makefile` pulled in `Makefile-options`, which had all the installation-specific variables, including ports. Other development config files, including HTTPS certificates, were generated automatically based on that. Change `Makefile-options` and everything depending on any of those was rebuilt. When you ran `make` without a `Makefile-options` file, it generated one, with a template of the variables you could set.

Today I'd consider using Kubernetes for that last example, but we were crazy-productive without it, and production worked fine.


What is your preferred method to deploy a python api to a frontend?


I would say docker-compose with traefik is definitely the easiest! You can even set dependencies between services to ensure that they load in the right order, do networking, etc.

If you're interested in running locally, a solution like kubernetes seems slightly overkill, but it can be fun to mess with for sure!

gabesullice has become standard in the circles I run in (most are web devs working in agencies touching multiple projects each week). You don't have to use DDEV specifically, but it works like a dream and may provide some inspiration.

Each project gets its own Docker Compose file. These allow you to set up whatever project specific services and configuration you need.

None of your projects need to expose a port. Instead each project gets a unique name like `fooproject` and `barproject` and the container listening to port 80 is named {project-name}-web.

It all gets tied together by a single global NGINX/Traefik/Caddy container (you choose) that exposes port 80 and 443 and reverse proxies to each project's web container using Docker's internal hostnames. In pseudo-code: 
    reverse_proxy fooproject- web:80
    reverse_proxy barproject-web:80
The final piece of the puzzle is that the maintainer of DDEV set up a DNS A record for *
You could do something similar yourself using your own domain or locally with DNSMasq.

It may seem overcomplicated (and it is complicated). But since it's a de-facto standard and well-maintained, that maintenance burden is amortized over all the users and projects. (To the naysayers, consider: PopOS/Ubuntu are quite complicated, but they're far easier to use for most people than a simpler hand-rolled OS with only the essentials.)


I prefer setting up services that bind to port 0 ("get me an unprivileged port"), report that back, and use that to auto-configure dependent services.

This allows local development and debugging for fast iterations and quick feedback loop. But, it also allows for multiple branches of the same project to be tested locally at the same time!

Yeah, git does not make that seamless, so I'd have multiple shallow clones to allow me to review a branch without stopping work on my own branch(es).


Git worktrees make working with multiple branches a breeze


Nice, I wasn't aware of git worktrees at all!


If you want to go the k8s route, it’s worth checking out


Before there was Docker and Kubernetes I used to run hundreds of web sites on a single server by being disciplined about where files go, how database connections are configured, etc. I still do.


I like to run my code in containers (also during development), although your approach ain’t broken.


If you’re happy enough to write a little bit of C# and install the .NET SDK then try Aspire.

Here’s and example of orchestrating a node.js app and a Redis dependency.