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'Trump Gaza' AI video intended as political satire, says creator


Turkey took millions of Syrian refugees, Germany in particular and a lot of european countries accepted many more from all over the middle east.

Food for thought why Egypt and Jordan refuse to ease the sufferring of Gazans by offering them temporary refugee statuses, until Hamas is eradicated and they could live in Gaza happily ever after.


> Food for thought why Egypt and Jordan refuse to ease the sufferring of Gazans by offering them temporary refugee statuses, until Hamas is eradicated and they could live in Gaza happily ever after.

Historically, Palestinians have destablized those countries. Palestinians assassinated the King of Jordan[1] and a Prime Minister[2]. Not to mention the instability in Lebanon from Palestinian migrants [3]. Eventually Jordan had to expel the Palestinians from Jordan. [4]






Jordan has taken far more refugees relative to is size than Turkey and Germany. Its population of 11.5 million includes 1.4 million Syrian refugees, 300-400k Palestinian refugees still living in refugee camps (and at least 1.5 million who have gained citizenship), and 1+ million illegal immigrants. There were also ~1 million Iraqi refugees in the 2000s, but most of them eventually returned home. It's kind of surprising that the country is still mostly functional and stable, despite all this.

Egypt is kind of overpopulated. Most of the country is uninhabitable, and the Nile from Aswan to the Mediterranean is effectively a contiguous chain of settlements with a total of ~100 million people. The current administration also doesn't want to import Hamas, because they have enough trouble with the Muslim Brotherhood, which used to be the parent group of Hamas.


Having talked to a few Palestinias that live outside of Palestine, I know that they all have temporary statuses in the neighoboring countries (for example, those in Lebanon) and that doesn't give them much rights and it has lasted for decades already. Forcing the remaining people in Gaza to leave "temporarily" is first of all ethnic cleansing (forced displacement) and second of all it will be anything but temporary.

The same for Syrians in Turkey, they don't have a proper refugee status and have instead a secondary status that gives them fewer rights.

Here's some food for thought from me as well: why does anything that goes in and out of Gaza go through israel? Why don't other countries recognize the state of Palestine? Wouldn't that be a good step towards a two-state solution? (Even though I don't believe that would work, at least not without justice for the Palestinians).


Historically, Palestinians rejected all compromise attempts to end the conflict and get their state. that's the only reason why there's no palestinian country.

There's a great project led by a youtuber called Corey Gil-Shuster. This guy walks around the west bank and ask random people about the conflict. I think it sums up a lot of the public opinion in the palestinian territories about the conflict. Here is an example:


It stems from that nice picture that politicians of the first world paint to their voters. Which is, there are countries, and they all live in friendship, and sometimes boo boo happens and good guys do good things and bad guys don’t do good things. This political infantilization goes all over the world.

I learn nothing about that region cause there’s no need to. Absolutely sure that Gaza conflict is not about historically bad neighborship, but about multiple large political forces funding armed groups to retain various destabilizing vectors. And both Jordan and Egypt and a bunch of other clans around have their hands elbow deep in this muppet show, while being partially sponsored by the same good guys who call for the resolve.

Also, even in a scenario where this happens, Hamas will feel betrayed and won’t just allow mass exodus for free. Meat shield is all it has.


> about multiple large political forces funding armed groups to retain various destabilizing vectors

Especially Iran, but also Hamas can freely fundraise in several of the other gulf states.

Don't forget that there are internal anti-peace factions on the Israeli side too, such as those who assassinated Yitzhak Rabin and terminated the last working peace process.


I agree. the good vs. bad guys narrative that dominates many western countries is toxic.


Ideas cannot be eradicated


The majority of Gaza's residents are 'temporary' refugees from the Nakba[1] in 1948. Trump and Netanyahu have also cleared any lingering doubt in their mind about being able to come back if they ever leave. Trump literally said that they won't come back. And Israel and its allies are working hard to dismantle UNRWA which tracks the refugees status of 6 million displaced palestinians. All this is part of Israel's three-pronged strategy of ethnic-cleansing, genocide, and apartheid.

The leaders of Egypt, Jordan and people of Gaza know better than to fall for such an obvious ruse. Anyone arguing otherwise is clearly ignorant or speaking in bad faith.

[1] -


The refugee status of Gazan and other palestinian has been strategically kept this way for generations.

Many peoples have suffered wars throughout history, were displaced and relocated in other countries. Only the palestinians retain their refugee status even after living in surrounding arab countries like Lebanon, Syria for more than 3 generations.

There are more than 2 million arabs that remained in Israel and didn't flee during the 1948 wars, they are all full citizens now, in full contrast.

The only reason for keeping palestinians in a refugee status is to keep the conflict going until the eradication of the state of Israel.

UNRWA is a known cover for laundrying Hamas activities, there are many accounts of Hamas members firing and conducting military activities wearing UNRWA uniforms and traveling in UNRWA vehicles. That's why many countries stopped supporting them financially


uh.. why doesnt israel not do genocide for once?


I honestly don’t know how we (as in all of us) gonna solve the information cycle pollution and have a news delivery platform that people on the left and on the right of things can agree on. That a satire video can be flipped and portrayed as an honest view held by the president (as he posted it) is telling.


Hank Green over on youtube did a fun look back at history and "disruptive" technologies. He likened today's social media to the invention of the printing press. It's a pretty fun video. He calls Martin Luther a troll, which is pretty good.

I think it's this one


one man's satire is another man's fervent belief. Poe's law.


Took it down because they didn't want to take a side or be insensitive? Only shared it with friends and didn't think it would go further? The story reeks of CYA.


Exactly, it scary to wake up and see your yard full of “Free Gaza” supporters while a team of executives from Kiewit Construction are knocking at your door.


Really? I find it very believable, you make a high quality meme for your friend group. Someone decides to spread it further and now far-right people are taking it seriously when it's taking the piss out of the people involved.


Maybe the creator could make a similar satirical video set in Auschwitz. The place is kinda dreary and not life-affirming.

[1] - More about the creator -


People (men, women and children) were exterminated in gas chambers in Auschweitz

Comparing this with the war in Gaza is ignorance or just manipulation. Gaza was (and actually, still is) a home to a murderous organization that terrorized not only Israelis, but also its own people for 20 years.

Gay men were thrown off the roofs to their deaths in Gaza shortly after Hamas took over violently, political opponents were brutally murdered.

Hell, whole families were burned on Oct 7th, to the chants of "Allah Akbar".

It blows my mind that people don't know that wars lead to casualties, even in the civilian side. I think that since it has been 2-3 generations without any serious conflict in the west, people are simply not familiar with the nature of war.

There's genocide, and there's war. Those are not the same.


Yes, there is genocide and there is war, and most of the world knows which one is currently happening in Palestine.


Really? there was a poll or a vote I missed? There's one thing I'm sure I missed in this all narrative - evidence.