Ask HN: What less-popular systems programming language are you using?
·March 1, 2025deevus
I am currently contracted 3 days a week writing Zig. I can't say much because NDA, but I just love working with Zig almost every day. I think for the right projects, it is such a great choice for mission critical software.
You get the added benefit of being able to easily consume C libraries without much fuss. The fuss is in navigating the C APIs of decades old libraries that we all still depend on every day.
I've pretty much settled on Zig at this point, if only for how dead-simple it is to cross-compile for other hardware platforms. The process of compiling working code for oddball platforms (in my case the Nintendo 64) was way easier than I expected it to be.
The only downside is the stdlib being as fast-moving of a target as it is. Right now I've had to put a pin on getting panic stack traces to work on my N64 code because apparently the upcoming release changes a bunch of stuff around panic/stacktrace handling (and it's already changed quite a bit over the years even before these new changes).
What N64 code are you working on? I am intrigued.
Current progress is here:
Right now it's just a bunch of WIP Zig interfaces for the N64's hardware, but the end-goal is to get it developed enough for homebrew gamedev.
I've been using Odin [1] for my hobby game development and I've been liking it a lot. Feels like a more ergonomic C.
Things I like:
- Vendor libraries like Raylib and MicroUI make it easy to get started
- I can pass around memory allocators and loggers implicitly using context, or explicitly if I need to.
- natively supports vector math and swizzling
- error handling with `or_else` and `or_return`
Things I don't like:
- Name spacing is a bit annoying. The convention is to prefix the procedures but I don't like how they look. It really isn't a big issue.
Have a quick read of the overview and if you are still interested, I highly recommand 'Understanding the Odin Programming Language' book by Karl Zylinski [2]
Loving Ada without using exceptions or inheritance on embedded and desktop. Some love Ada full OOP tagged types. I love Ada procedural style with privacy and abstract data types. I wish Flutter was written in Ada but atleast Dart is better than JavaScript atleast for procedural code without it's oop boiler plate. You don't actually need OOP for widgets.
I'm a big fan of Ada. I first encountered exceptions in Ada. When I first saw Python, way back in version 1.5, I was happy to see exceptions.
> Less popular
> I used C for both application programming and systems programming
Gross. Learn C++, it's better than C in every way! shotsfired.jpg
> I've been wanting to get back to doing some systems programming, but preferably in a more modern language (than C) which is meant for that.
Use C++ then. Or if you're a hater and/or don't know how to keep footguns pointed away from your legs, use Rust.
> less commonly used ones
but tbqh why not Xojo?
C#. While a popular language, it is criminally overlooked for high-performance programming. Obviously, you can't use it for embedded or kernel development. For other use cases though, it can almost reach the performance of C/C++/Rust when written with proper care.
> Obviously, you can't use it for embedded
Embedded is diverse. I would not use .NET for small embedded, i.e. stuff running on Arduino or ESP32.
However, I have successfully used .NET runtime in production for embedded software running on top of more performant SoCs, like 4 ARMv7 cores, couple GB RAM, Linux kernel. The software still has large pieces written in C and C++ (e.g. NanoVG rendering library) but all higher-level stuff like networking, file handling, and GUI are in memory-safe C#.
You actually can use it for embedded and kernel development! See .NET Nano Framework [1] for embedded - works on microcontrollers like ESP32. For kernel development there's nothing really built in to support it but people have built tools [2] to do it.
I sometimes write C# in my day job. But I think I don't know much about how to write really fast C#. Do you have any recommendations for learning resources on that topic?
Sure. Here are some resources:
* Span<T>:
* C# now has a limited borrow checker-like mechanism to safely handle local references:
* Here is a series of articles on the topic:
* In general, avoid enterprise style C# (ie., lots of class and design patterns) and features like LINQ which allocate a lot of temporaries.
Thank you. I once read a bit about Span<T>, but some of this reference stuff is very new to me. Interesting, definitely. C# really is a big language nowadays...
LINQ is fine (but enterprise style never is, yes), it’s a matter of scale and what kind of a domain the code is targeted too. C# needs to be approached a little like C++ and Rust in this regard. Having standard performance optimization knowledge helps greatly.
Also can recommend reading all the performance improvements blog posts by Stephen Toub as well as learning to understand disassembly at a basic level which .NET offers a few convenient tools to get access to.
C# is specifically designed for enterprise-style OOP, so if you want to avoid that, why use C# at all?
Span<T>, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Memory<T>, CollectionsMarshal, CollectionsExtensions, ref struct, ref return, ArrayPool, ArraySegment, ValueTuple, and using interfaces/structs/generics carefully.
That is if you don't want to get into unsafe code.
F#! I’m in love with the language. It is my defacto pick for most things these days. Very expressive AND strongly typed. Being a part of the .Net ecosystem is also a plus.
Can you create desktop GUI apps with it?
(I'm sure there are more, these two are those which I could recall from the top off my head)
I've also gotten it working with FNA. I haven't done anything too elaborate in the game development world, but as far as I can tell there's really no limitations imposed by F# in that front.
cool, thanks.
Using Elixir and Elm at my day job.
Coming from a more Python/Java/PHP/JS background, Elixir was a lot easier to pick up and doesn't frustrate me as much. Most of the remaining scary bits involve concurrency and process supervision trees.
Macros are powerful, but also easy to use in a way that makes everything hard to debug. For those unfamiliar with them, it's a bit like a function except any expressions you call it with are not evaluated first, but arrive as metadata that can be used to assemble and run new code.
Why elm over LiveView?
I know “why” elm, I liked everything I saw about it, but how do you combine the two, if you do?
There's a bit of a struggle between sections that use just one or the other, but Elm has the managerial blessing right now.
While I think Elm is neat, it suffers from ecosystem issues. It drive a large amount of Not Invented Here because JS invented somewhere else is hard to incorporate. Also, good luck rendering arbitrary HTML that comes in as data from somewhere else.
Free Pascal, but I am interested in Ada and will be learning it more this year. I love the readability of the syntax, and on the outside looking in, the community seems good.
I have also moved back hard to using TCL as my scripting language. I like it too much, and bouncing between Python, Go, and such for DevOps glue tires me out.
For systems, I love using plan9 (9front) to solve problems, which grounds me to C, awk, sed, and the rc shell.
If the support was still there I'd still be using VB.NET.
I've coded professionally in a dozen languages, including a lot of time in x86 assembler, C++ etc.
Still like VB.NET better than any other. To me, it was the most readable code.
Is it not still supported?
Every now and then Freepascal with Lazarus but the same bug being in the IDE for ten years plus kind of annoys me. If I save a new project and I move any files around it does weird stuff, or if I rename a module.
Theres also D but finding libraries for whatever I want to work on proves problematic at times as well.
On the other hand, the Ultibo OS for the Raspberry Pi is written in FreePascal.
The open source tooling has significantly improved since I started using it in the last five years.
Less popular or less commonly used ones.
By that, I mean, not including the usual suspects, such as C, C++, Rust and Go (I know the controversy about the last one being a systems programming language or not).
I'm asking this because I used C for both application programming and systems programming, early in my career, before I moved to using other languages such as Java and Python.
And of late, I've been wanting to get back to doing some systems programming, but preferably in a more modern language (than C) which is meant for that.