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AlgoMIDI – A Mathematical 'Music Studio'


Reminds me a little of Wolfram Tones ( which is a cellular automaton tune generator. I used to use that for the ringtones on my cell phone around 20 years ago when they made that site.


Inspired by

AlgoMIDI is a small 'music studio' personal project written in Vue. You create music by specifying an intial state for the cellular automata (default ruleset is Conway's Game of Life but you can specify your own) and choosing a graph traversal algorithm (BFS/DFS).


You can try it out here:


Some things in the interface are white-on-white if viewed in light mode. It only looks correct if the browser is in dark mode.


I love graphs and music so the interface is interesting.

I think it either needs that snap to a scale like in the youtube video you posted or it needs to do something more 12-tone row sounding.

I couldn't get it to make anything that sounded more than just random.


Adding a Download button would be nice to store the track.


Cool idea.