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The Efficiency of Vim

The Efficiency of Vim


·February 25, 2025


I have been telling people for years that using an editor like Vim or Emacs makes you more efficient, but I have found that most people either do not particularly care, or worse still, think that the efficiency gains are surely marginal at best. I view this as an unspoken part of Vim's learning curve. You have to realize that it is worth the time to learn.

I only bothered to learn Vim after seeing somebody do some wizardry with it and wondering how they did it. But I didn't have the time to learn it then. I later had some downtime at work and was able to learn it. I imagine the learning process is similar for many people.


I’m not convinced; I have met a lot of people who were very high on vim and spent a long time furiously typing keystrokes and planning out their changes without realizing how much time they were spending on that thinking bit.

(Personally it also competes with the working memory of changes I am trying to make, but I am willing to concede that could go away with years of practice).

Simpler abstractions like sublime-style multiple cursors have almost the same power without the complexity of programming your editor live. I wouldn’t recommend new people spend time on vim, unless you like, expect to find yourself in freshly initialized Linux boxes or developing on minimal hardware often.


I thought the main idea of vim is that touch typers who are really fast can do everything without lifting their fingers from the main row, which is a really motivating reason imo, it starts to breakdown heavily when you dont already have this skill though


Multiple cursors is a good alternative to recording a macro and executing it on multiple lines. But vim isn't good because of that. It is good because it is a language of simple but composable text objects and manipulations: ciw, dd, ci", gv, vapcU, gqip, and plugins that expand this language to add additional text objects. I have one installed that lets me use a function argument as a text object, so I can do something like da, and it will delete the argument (even if it is a complex expression) under my cursor, and then I can paste it elsewhere later. But I can compose that with anything. I could compose that with vim-surround, so that I could quote it: ys"i,

And of course there is also search and replace and lots of excellent plugins, which crucially work today as well as they worked 15 years ago. Tabularize is a vim plugin that lets me do things like realign

    foo: bar
    fang: wizz
with a space before bar, to make bar and wizz aligned. This is very convenient, and it is designed around vim's powerful regular expressions so that you can use it to align all sorts of data even if it uses weird delimiters or the delimiters are totally contextual.

This isn't programming your editor live, it is just composition of simple elements you learn gradually. At first it is just navigating from the home row (mice suck, especially on laptops), and dd to delete lines etc. Then you learn new text objects and new effects over time, and your O(m+n) work in learning them has O(mn) results.


I'm probably going to cop a wave of negative comments, but personally I'm much faster with keyboard and mouse, traditional editor than vim.

25 years professional and going, I've given vim shortcuts a fair go. I learnt the ones I thought were making vim more efficient.

But the reality is, I look first, which then I click there and I'm there. I don't have to jump between modes, the cursor is typing words. I map pageUp and pageDown to paragraphs jumping and that's about the only non traditional setup I have.

I realise a lot will oppose to this reasoning, claim I don't know what I'm talking about, but maybe it's time to consider your RSI and effective speed, not perceived speed due on hammering keys, as a factor.

That said, I am jealous at times, watching vim people smack some keys around, feels cool!

Edit: I mostly use IntelliJ(CE) and Zed nowadays. I jump in vscode if I need to debug breakpoints on a language Intellij(CE) does not support.


Just to confirm though - when you 'just click there', you're taking your hand off the keyboard, moving your arm and hand to the mouse, moving the mouse to the position you see, hopefully clicking exactly where you want to go on the first try, then returning your arm into position and hand on the keyboard, right?

Everyone should do what works for them, but with e.g. flash it takes 3 keypresses in most cases to go to any position I can see on the screen, without taking my hands off the keyboard. I was relatively late to Vim but I would never go back, even just for the improved physical ergonomics of not having to move my arm repetitively back and forth between mouse and keyboard.

It feels a little like people that swear that they can type perfectly well with 2 fingers - I have seen some very fast 2 finger typists, but in truth they're missing out on efficiency and comfort in the long run because they don't want to face the short-term pain of learning the better technique (and it is pain).


Yep that's fair to count this. But I use TKL keyboards and having the mouse in hand most of the time unless typing words, mean I don't need a split keyboard or any fancy setup and I have no RSI. The distance between mouse and the letter J is very short for me.

The few times in my career where "I switched" to vim bindings and tossed the mouse far away to give it a good crack, I ended up feeling sore pretty quickly. Maybe it's just my experience.

The time spent between mouse and keyboard is made up by a fairly high wpm.

Anyway, this was never about pure programming speed. Programming is mostly thinking. It's about "think of something, scroll fast, go there, make the change" and I'm faster at that than with vim bindings. I'm sure of it after testing both setups.

Like someone else pointed out, "you do you" works best here. I started with a 386 dx 33 back in the day and professionally on windows NT, maybe if I had started professionally on linux, I'd be a vim guy today(?)


You gotta do you! I cannot survive without vim and despite having used tons of editors and ides nothing comes close to my distraction-free-ness as vim. Next best thing for me is vimbindings.

Again even if you are productive in notepad nothing wrong with that! Also typing speed is not an indication of actual productivity.


I'm in university right now and am working on a semester long group project with a few other folks. It's written in C. Most (all?) of the rest of them use VS Code, I use NeoVim. I've observed that, while VS Code isn't a major limitation in writing code, Vim is a lot faster at editing code.

Changing designs, data structures, similar logic across several functions, copying existing files to new locations and making minor edits. These and other tasks are so much faster with visual mode selections, Quick file-wide find and replace/ignore, freaking recording a macro and then executing it 100 times in a handful of seconds -- this is a real difference, and it scales.

Maybe it's just that I'm much more familiar with the ins and outs of how to use Vim efficiently for this purpose, and maybe VS Code can be equally efficient. But when you learn Vim, these are things that you will learn -- or at least learn about -- very soon. With VS Code, you will reach a plateau you don't even know about because these are not the features that VS Code differentiates itself with -- namely, fast in-editor documentation, jump to definition, visualize file structure, etc. Useful things when writing new code fast, sure, but not necessarily editing en masse.


You can do all that in VS Code with the vim extension. I'm with you on the vim keystrokes, but configuring debuggers, code completion, etc. in vim never seemed worth the effort. With VS Code and vim keybindings, it's the best of both worlds.


VS Code's vim extension is the _first_ non-vim implementation I've used that "has the Buddha nature".

1) macros

2) ctrl-w <hjkl> "does the right thing" with visual (IDE) window-splits(!!)

I just about fell out of my chair when I stumbled upon <c-w> in a random vscode session (almost literally).

Many editors pay lip service and think "if we stop at hjkl, that's good enough!" Even fewer make it to a rational macro implementation, but vim is so much more.

The fact that vscode "does the right thing" when stabbed with <c-w> is incredible... now if only I could figure out how to get simplistic <c-p>/<c-n> to work with raw strings instead of trying to omni-complete...


I'm not sure I fully understand but changing a lot of code nowadays, we mostly offload the tedious part to an LSP.

Using clangd in vscode, I don't see how you'd be faster in neovim making changes by glorified search and replace? Also you're limited at "file-wide" and not project wide?


Well, my knowledge stops at "file-wide" at least :) Thinking more now I think the most important part is knowing what your tools are capable of and how to use them to their fullest, more so than the particular environment (assuming that such capabilities exist at all).


LSPs can only do fairly narrow, predefined changes, I honestly get excited when I finally get something that'll fit in that box.


what exactly do you mean by "traditional editor"? vi(m) has been around for many, many years, and in the case of vim supports mouse, and of course keyboard?


I meant vim mode in IDE editors, neovim and a little bit of helix.


I jump back and forth between using keyboard & mouse when working on a IDE and vim when working on terminal.

While I could just hook up a vim plugin that is present on almost all IDEs, I debilatery chose not to because they feel ucanny since many vim bindings conflict with the IDE default bindings and their intregation don't work well. It's better suited as standalone application.


Vim plugins are generally unusable. The one that VSCode has is especially bad.


the vim one is pretty irritating with input delay but the neovim one isn't too bad (the one that hooks into neovim)... at least it makes vs code tolerable enough for me so I don't bang my head against the wall when I have to use it


use the neovim one ... it's actual vim + vscode.


To jump around without mouse in vim I usually turn off highlight search by default, or make it a more subtle color and just search a few letters, or % or f and a letter within the line. Can still use the mouse if it is something like a brace on its own surrounded by 5 others. It may be a mode switch but most of the time when I jump somewhere I'm deleting and moving a word or replacing it with cw or C the automatically switches to input mode and overall much faster than going there, shift arrow to select the word and cut paste or typing to replace. There are shorthands like ctrl+backspace but lots of ctrl reaching for multiple things often feels like having to enter a mode over and over or something unless you have them all in mind and dont let up, or need to let up to step the cursor one character with the arrow keys.

VS vim gives you a good mix too and basically while in insert works like a regular editor when that is more natural. But you miss out on piping lines to unix commands and stuff and a common thing of searching all occurrences of an identifier and opening all the files in vim, which warns on exit if you forget to look over all of them. Also ctrl+p to complete to nearest previous occurrence is broken in it.

Overall just much less reaching around for modifiers and arrow keys or home/end but the default placement of ESC is a pain. Switching caps lock to that can help but makes it not great for muscle memory when using other machines.

Ctrl+[ is an alternate for ESC I'll use sometimes but usually only if Ctrl is in my next command. That can be a bit more ergonomic if you change capslock to ctrl instead of ESC and then less chance of messing up in other apps with an errant ESC.

Overall most of the time when I click somewhere I'm deleting/transposing/replacing and not just immediately typing something, and that is much more awkward in a vanilla editor. Maybe with a four button mouse you could have a button to click somewhere and automatically enter insert mode at the same time, without it emitting keys to do it and messing up other apps.

Overall I think vim is much better for RSI, so much stuff is home row, and especially with numpads usually being on the wrong side of the keyboard makes mouse reaching unergonomic. The only main thing keeping me on numpads is Blender, but Blender is surprisingly vim-like as well, in a good way.


I love Vim and use Vim bindings everywhere I can (Emacs, Firefox, Intellij etc.).

But I don't think it is actually more efficient than traditional editing, but rather just a different way of editing which may be (or may be not) more convenient to _some_ people (myself included).

Especially nowadays with modern IDEs and auto-completions and AI code helpers, it's not really about text editing anymore, it's not the bottleneck.


Off topic, but it's a little weird that people now call the common editors like VSCode "traditional editors", as if Vim and Emacs were released yesterday.


All these people claiming Vim is not efficient because they don't know how to use it well.


It's more like people are simply refusing to learn it because they think VSCode is somehow good enough.


I enjoy using neovim.

Though I'd argue most of the programming time is spent on thinking what to do, not on typing it. It's different when you write prose or transcribing something. Then typing speed matters way more.

That said, having keyboard controls for editing actions is definitely making editing experience more convenient. Same goes for the modes switching and ability to express commands for the editor like you'd do in a shell.


I don't see anything here that tells me how is Vim supposed to be efficient. My experience with modality is that almost every time I want to do something I'm in the wrong mode.

I thought Vim could be efficient because if you just learn all these codes you can instantly cut 5 lines of code 5dd. But in practice I can't count so I cut the wrong number of lines, then I have to look up how to undo because obviously Ctrl+Z doesn't work, and the end result pretty much every time is that I'd be more efficient with VS Code or even Notepad than with Vim.

I just can't see where this "efficiency" is supposed to be at all.

If you tell me I'm supposed to spend 4 weeks reading VimTutor to gain efficiency in Vim, I could probably become more efficient faster in VS Code by learning all of its keyboard shortcuts. Btw Ctrl+/ comments the current line, but I always just press home // because that feels faster. It works with multiple lines, but I just use Alt+Down key in that case to create multiple cursors.


> My experience with modality is that almost every time I want to do something I'm in the wrong mode.

Vim tells you the mode though!

Insert -> Normal/Visual: ESC, Ctrl+c, or Ctrl+[. You could also do something like, while in Insert mode press Ctrl+o to do "one movement" (e.g. "i234[Ctrl+o]^1[Ctrl+c]", or maybe, "ihelo world[Ctrl+o]2Fll[Ctrl+o]$![Ctrl+c]" -- don't type the "[" and "]").

Normal -> Insert: well... it depends on where you want to insert.

> But in practice I can't count so I cut the wrong number of lines

Sometimes you don't need to keep track of the number of lines. But, if you really wanted to, you could do something like:

    :set relativenumber
If you're deleting 5 lines in, say, a CSV, this helps.

If it's code or text you could also use sentence ("(" and ")") or paragraph ("{" and "}") movements like "5d)" (delete the next 5 sentences); "d{" (delete up to the previous paragraph). There's a bit of jank when it comes to code though, but there's some support for it (or maybe I'm just doing it wrong).

> then I have to look up how to undo because obviously Ctrl+Z doesn't work

"u" for Undo, Ctrl+r for "redo". ":help undo" goes into _way_ more detail, and it does get complicated. I don't think I've needed anything past section 2.

> I just can't see where this "efficiency" is supposed to be at all.

The "efficiency" comes with investment, which you can get with any editor.

> If you tell me I'm supposed to spend 4 weeks reading VimTutor to gain efficiency in Vim

I didn't go through vimtutor for a very long time. You can become a reasonably okay Vim user, but it does take some investment. On the order of weeks is probably correct.

But honestly, VSCode is fine too. Notepad is... probably fine.


> My experience with modality is that almost every time I want to do something I'm in the wrong mode.

The key is to almost always be in command mode. I am only in insert mode briefly to add or change text. The power of Vim comes from its terse command language, so you want to be in command mode most of the time. I find myself reflexively hitting Esc or Ctrl-[ in other programs because I have drilled this into my mind.

> I just can't see where this "efficiency" is supposed to be at all.

I did not see the efficiency myself until I witnessed a Vim master do some extremely complicated bit of text editing in seconds. I think that most people will not see the value of Vim until they witness something like that.

> If you tell me I'm supposed to spend 4 weeks reading VimTutor to gain efficiency in Vim, I could probably become more efficient faster in VS Code by learning all of its keyboard shortcuts. Btw Ctrl+/ comments the current line.

I personally found Vimtutor boring, if I recall correctly, so I did not use it to learn Vim. I just started to use Vim for all of my coding for several weeks during a slow period at work. I had a printout [1] with all of the keys next to my monitor for several weeks. That was necessary to get muscle memory for every action. I also read a lot of "Learning the vi and Vim Editors". That helps you get into the mindset about how to use the Vim command language. My point is that there are many ways to learn Vim and you can pick which way works best for yourself.



I wish I knew what this Vim mastery looks like. I have seen people do things in VS code I don't know how to do, so I wonder if you can be really productive in Vim, or you simply never realized how productive you can be in VS code.

Do people know they can use regex substitutions in VS code, for example? I'm sure Vim can do this as well, even Notepad++ has it, but it's the sort of feature most people don't know about because they just don't use regex very often.


Vim mastery is not just regex. Regex is basically the same as using sed or grep in Vim.

The key to Vim mastery is realizing that every key you press is a command in the language of Vim. Once you realize this, you can construct complicated sequences of commands that do exactly what you want without having to do it yourself manually. This is why I say that it is difficult to see how much more efficiency you can get without witnessing it yourself. It is a fundamentally different way of doing text editing.

Let's just focus on navigation for a second. Yes, you can type things like "10j" to go down 10 lines. Yes, you can type "10}" to go down 10 "paragraphs" (could be functions, etc.). Or you can type "/text" to find the next instance of "text", and then type "10n" to go to the 10th instance. Once you realize all of these things, you start to think about navigating the code a lot differently, since you realize that you can make your code very structured and make it incredibly easy to navigate with just the keyboard.

Let's now focus on something that would be really tedious to type but would happen instantly in Vim. Let's you you want to make an array of 100 elements for some reason. If you had to type that manually, you could have an off-by-one error or something. It's really tedious and not something you want to do yourself.

Instead, you can type this in Vim:


array = [








and you have an array with exactly 100 zeros. This is a simple example. You can continue this to much more complicated structures. That is the power of Vim.


Smalltalk Environment - the dawn of IDEs - "Don't mode me in"

"Novices are not the only victims of modes. Experts often type commands used in one mode when they are in another, leading to undesired and distressing consequences. In many systems, typing the letter "D" can have meanings as diverse as "replace the selected character by D," "insert a D before the selected character," or "delete the selected character." How many times have you heard or said, "Oops, I was in the wrong mode"?"


For your specific counting problem you can use relative line numbering which shows line numbers relative to your cursor.

However the larger attempt and redo problem you highlighed is mitigated in a modal editor that does selection first (not vim) instead of action so you get a preview of what you will delete before hitting it, you can also expand it.

I did give up vim for the same reasons, but I am happy with Helix.

I won’t deny that I still make lots of errors, I still use vscode for other features like folder search and replace, easier diff comparisons


> a modal editor that does selection first (not vim) instead of action so you get a preview of what you will delete before hitting it, you can also expand it.

This is pretty much what Visual mode does. V4jd is

* V: enter visual line mode. * 4j: select the next four lines (in addition to this one) * d: delete.

The selection is highlighted before the delete command, you can change the selection range, etc.

I use visual mode to replace stuff all the time: V10j:s/foo/bar/g It even shows the changes interactively.


I did actually do that when I tried Vim but it felt clunky.

The find and replace is more at folder level with vscode previews only terminal equivalent I know is serpl


You can do selection first in Vim by using visual mode. For this particular example (5dd) you would want to use visual line mode by pressing shift-v. Then you can select the lines you wish to cut, and press d to delete them, or apply any other action to that block of text.

I frequently use c (change) on my visual selections, type in new code at the point where it was removed, then use p to paste the old code somewhere else.


Almost any time that you might use a number to count lines or words or whatever, I just use visual mode. It's very fast and eliminates the "oops wrong number" kind of nonsense.

There are other ways of navigating next besides just counting characters/words/lines as well (text objects and the like).

Vim does have a big learning curve. If you don't want to invest in it, that's perfectly fine.


I agree !

For browsing/reading code, I don't see how vim can be much more efficient than a properly configure IDE that support crtl+click, the back and forward mouse buttons and a command of the keyboard shortcut.


Nobody uses 5dd, you select what you want to delete in visual mode and then delete it.


It's ok. Turn on relative line numbers and you'll see the light. :)


Relative numbers are overrated. Visual mode is much more flexible. Seeing absolute line numbers is useful for other purposes.


So if I want to erase one word to write another, instead of ctrl+delete or ctrl+backspace, I need to switch to visual model, delete the word, switch to insert mode, and type it?

Doesn't sound more efficient than VS code to me.


You need to press `ves` and type the new word. Trust me, it's really fast.


Nope, you go to the word, do 'cw' (change word). That deletes the word under your cursor and automatically puts you in insert mode. Then you write your new word. I love it.


Counting anything in vim is an antipattern.

    :set rnu
    :set nu
will change the gutter to display relative line numbers for all but the current line.

FWIW I would very rarely if ever use '5dd'; to me that is spelled 'd4j'. ':set rnu' obviously influences this, since the last line to be copied is labeled '4'.

Undo is 'u' and, yeah, you probably need to know that one before starting. Even after over 15 years using vim I still make tons of mistakes and change my mind, and a fairly robust undo system is crucial.


I have tried setting relative numbering, but because I need to look at the gutter to read it, it would be faster to just hold shift+down in VS code if I need to do something with 5 lines of code, and if it's a lot of lines, just use the mouse, or press page down, or ctrl+shift+end if it's all the way to the end.


v/V mode is right there for block selection.