Why hasn't commercial air travel gotten any faster since the 1960s? (2009)
·February 10, 2025tyre
> I remember as a kid in the 90s you could do a little metal detector, and sometimes not even that, and get on a plane.
I took flights in the 2010's that didn't feel all that different from boarding a bus. You went to the desk to check in and to give them any checked baggage, walked to the waiting area to wait with a couple of dozen people, then went outside to board the plane. Any plane that would eventually connect to an international airport would have passengers go through security, but otherwise no.
Also what annoys me is how much friction airlines have added to the whole process. They want you there early, but too early and you wont have anywhere to sit. Show up a little later and it's a cluster trying to check a bag. Then boarding times are always wrong. Everyone rushes and blocks the lines. Process takes longer too when everyone brings all their luggage as carry on and argues about gate checking.
This. In some places you used to be able to check your bags in advance. In Switzerland you could even check your bags at your local train station the day before so that you could just go to your flight and breeze through the airport.
It's the perception of safety.
If DOGE was really about efficiency and cutting waste, TSA would be the first place they would be looking.
I wouldn't assume that isn't going to happen. I've heard specifically that someone in the Trump camp wants to just have the airlines figure security out themselves.
too young to remember 9/11? :)
The summer of 9/11 I brought on a full suit of hoplite armor with shield and spear on board a regional plane. The stewardess told me I can't have it in the passenger compartment so I should just give it to the pilot before takeoff.
I'm not saying that we should let people board in full armor again, but surely there is a happy medium?
I was 30 years old, saw it live on TV. So ... no
But as others have pointed out, a lot of the TSA processes (taking off shoes, laptops, etc.) are pointless.
What prevents another 9/11 are the cockpit doors, which have nothing to do with TSA.
> too young to remember 9/11? :)
Too lazy to read the many GAO reports that all demonstrate TSA accuracy at finding dangerous items never topping 5%?
Security prevents routine hijackings. During the late 1960s there was one attempted hijacking every 5.6 days.
From that link, there were 137 hijacking attempts in the U.S. between 1968-1972, and 90 of them had Cuba as the destination. Seems like this could've been prevented more easily by not embargoing Cuba.
Also of note: these 137 hijacking attempts resulted in 1 fatality. By contrast, in each of those years 55,000+ people died in car crashes.
People are terrible at judging risk.
things i have had confiscated: the blades for my twin-blade razor, pocketknives, leathermans, bottles of water, supplements, liquids that are slightly over 3.4oz.
this is retarded. there is no good reason to do this. if there is a good reason, i really don't care and would rather live in a freer society with slightly more risk.
"police state reduces crime" okay i do not care.
even their stupid IMS machines are just calibrated for lots and lots of type II error, and i don't believe they've actually ever caught anyone.
p.s. the sixties hijacking thing wasn't for purposes of terrorism. it's also why federal marshals started traveling around on planes.
Security does. But a lot of what we go through these days is security theater. The whole shoe removal thing, belts, etc. It's the most pathetically over the top form of security, and totally unnecessary. It does not in any way shape or form provide any extra level of security that can't be covered by something much simpler, less invasive, slow or antiquated.
> But a lot of what we go through these days is security theater.
I just had a big dose of that this morning, getting my tool bag flagged by TSA, which I honestly expected, and told my calipers were not allowed (because maybe I'm going to hijack a plane by threatening to measure it??) but having my very sharp broaching tools, which could actually maybe do some damage as a weapon, completely ignored. And then, the second time through, after checking the calipers, having my watch case opener taken because it sort of looks like a knife, even though it's completely dull with no sharp edge.
You can always tell Americans at security in a European airport because they take their shoes off. European airports don't bother with shoe removal.
Are European airports statistically less secure than American airports? Is anyone even monitoring this? Surely by now we'd have some data to decide whether you need to remove your shoes or not.
I largely agree. But if you're anything like a regular traveler you get TSA-pre for not a lot of cost or effort and that pretty much all goes away.
It is not only security, it is the lockable cockpit doors and entire set of changed assumptions. The airplane hijacking game was entirely ruined by Al-Qaeda on 9/11.
Prior to those events, the standard protocol was to assume a diversion, a hostage negotiation and a standoff, with likelihood resolution without bloodshed. Hijacking was either for extortion or for a ride somewhere else. They would get the plane on the ground and start negotiating.
Post-9/11, the assumption is now the entire planeload is already dead and the hijackers DGAF if they get out alive. As a potential hijacker, this removes your primary bargaining chip.
Plus, the locked cockpit doors mean you can't get to the pilots. Even if you can somehow convince the pilots to get a message out, you'll get nothing. They'll just get to an appropriate airport whether or not you start killing passengers every 5min. Then, you'll just be shot by the SWAT team on landing. Moreover, in many countries including the US, the protocol now includes shooting down hijacked commercial airliners if the plane is deemed a threat to strategic targets [0].
So, since then, the likelihood of any potential reward from hijacking has gone to near-zero, and the risks have become essentially infinite.
And of course on top of that, despite the publicized failures, the security theater still substantially increases the risk of getting caught even trying to board a plane to hijack it.
> The changes to cockpit doors solves the 9/11 problem. Other than that guy who lit his underwear on fire one Christmas, I don’t know what exactly all of this is pretending to prevent.
It prevents a lack of funding for security pork. The TSA is a massive funding boondoggle for many many snake-oil security salespeople.
Full agreement with the point here: lock the cockpit doors, and let everyone go through the same level of security checks as TSA Pre.
Locking the cockpit doors solves the 9/11 problem. On a multi-hour flight someone could still just blow up the plane or start killing passengers.
You're not wrong, but if you just want to kill large groups of airline passengers, it seems like the TSA line would be the easiest place to do it.
"Just killing passengers" isn't meaningfully worse/different than your average mall shooting... It sucks, but it's not quite as severe as turning the giant flying tube of jet fuel into an improvised ballistic missile (the 9/11 problem).
It's our punishment for allowing national security to function as a get-out-of-congressional-debate-free card.
I understand why all of this happened in the first place. 9/11 was truly shocking. Maybe more so because I was a kid, but watching those planes hit the buildings, the buildings collapsing, the Fallen Man, the recordings for United 93…it was a lot.
It really broke the spell that America could fuck around in the rest of the world without finding out.
It seems like there are two problems:
1. No one wants to be the person who rolls back regulations, because they’ll be blamed the next time something goes wrong.
Even if the previous regulation wouldn’t have stopped it (again, TSA internal tests of people getting knives and guns through), that person is getting blamed.
2. There is simply a ton of money in this crap. Those companies have lobbyists and donate to campaigns.
Given (1), these congresspeople aren’t going to change it anyway so I don’t actually think corruption plays as much into it. They’d never vote to remove the regulations; campaign donations are free money.
Engineering orgs have similar problems. I remember at Stripe seeing the 12 years of accumulated processes. Every bug or incident needed a new process or automated checker to ensure it couldn’t ever happen again. None of these were ever reviewed or removed.
As an EM, even if I knew something was a net-negative when comparing dev velocity vs. risk x magnitude of a bug, no chance my manager would let me remove it.
It takes confident, independent leadership willing to make tough trade-offs to change these things. That’s pretty rare in my experience.
> It really broke the spell that America could fuck around in the rest of the world without finding out.
That's . . . a take, considering that OBL's main beef with America was infidel troops on the soil of Saudi, because the Saudi royals were the guardians of Mecca. And the Saudis asked us to intervene against Saddam.
9/11 wasn't some coherent beef with US foreign policy; it was bog-standard religious extremism of the Salafist Islamic flavor.
TSA allows a shift of liability for insurance purposes
Huh? The TSA has sovereign immunity.
Pre–TSA each airport authority was responsible for security. In theory there was a common standard, in practice it varied greatly airport by airport and contractor by contractor.
Am pulling this completely out of foggy memory but one of the justifications for TSA was that potentially local airport authorities would be considered liable for acts of terrorism like 9/11.
> The TSA’s own internal tests have people getting handguns through.
And the results of those tests are widely misunderstood. Security isn't about a 100% success rate - that's the goal but not the outcome. It is about disrupting the planning process.
That someone, somewhere might sometimes get a gun through TSA security is one thing...but is that person intending to carry out a terrorist attack in doing so, or did they just leave it in their bag?
Is it possible for anyone to organize a coherent plan which involves as a first step smuggling weapons onto a plane in a way which is not more likely then not to be detected?
And is the correct conclusion from "in a test (where we motivated someone to try a plan they couldn't be sure would succeed but which would have no personal consequences for failure) they succeeded" that the security is pointless, or is it that they need to modify their procedures to improve the detection rate?
There's not much point in getting faster.
Due to the the time it takes at either end, there's a fixed minimum time cost to flying. Maybe three or four hours counting both ends.
If I'm taking a 6 hour flight, it's actually a 10 hour flight. If the airplane gets there twice as fast, it's a 7 hour chunk of my time. I save three hours but how much am I willing to pay for that? It's still effectively a calendar day gone.
For shorter flights, this is even worse. For super long flights like London to Sydney, maybe it would be useful to double the speed, so that you're not wasting two days instead of one, but doubling speed is also pretty far from possible.
IMHO we would be better served reducing the amount of time it takes you to go into an airport and board a flight. Right now they recommend 2 hours prior to takeoff but if you're in the right airport and know what you're doing then that time could be as little as 30 minutes (or less).
Rather than trying to take time out of the "middle" of the journey (ie when you're on a plane), we would be better served as a society to take time out of the "ends" (before takeoff and after landing).
But nevertheless I still think it's worthwhile for us as a species to look at ways we can cross the planet faster. I think eventually (maybe in our lifetimes), the idea of taking a flight that takes you into outer space won't be too far fetched. While I don't think the time savings going supersonic will be worth it, I think the savings when going into outer space will, assuming we figure out a economical way to get people up and down from outer space.
> But nevertheless I still think it's worthwhile for us as a species to look at ways we can cross the planet faster. I think eventually (maybe in our lifetimes), the idea of taking a flight that takes you into outer space won't be too far fetched. While I don't think the time savings going supersonic will be worth it, I think the savings when going into outer space will, assuming we figure out a economical way to get people up and down from outer space.
It's possible that it may make sense to establish a few business class only very fast point-to-point routes. But that also really depends on the vehicle taking people through space. There are a number of problems:
1. Currently, spacecraft are only licensed for experimental travel. Everyone signs an informed consent waiver and basically disclaims all liability. And the FAA is forbidden to regulate for passenger safety by congress (and has been for quite a long time) - they can only regulate for the safety of the general public.
This would have to be changed before any serious commercial spacecraft went into service
2. It's not clear that any spacecraft has the economics to pull this off. Maybe Starship can do it. But it's pretty far from clear that they can.
3. Spacecraft are orders of magnitude less safe than commercial aviation. Do you know the saying "regulations are written in blood"? If this starts happening, there'll be a lot of new regulations that happen over time.
And maybe that'll happen anyhow - I think that space tourism will certainly be a thing that becomes much more popular in the future, and that has the exact same problems (although it's much less readily comparable to commercial aviation).
Yeah I totally agree with your points. If space travel ever becomes commonplace it won't be anytime soon, my gut says it would be "in the next 100 years".
But the limiting factor isn't whether you're in the airport, it's whether you can arrive at the airport with that much a time margin reliably. It does not take many traffic accidents or an unexpected rail disruption to mean you miss your flight, for example - the 2 hour window is essentially to force people to account for unexpected delays.
Having faster flights could also increase the frequency of such flights, which lowers the impact of a missed flight, which lets people be more loose with getting there early enough.
So reduce the fixed minimums at either end?
It's absurd that getting onto a 3-dimensional bus takes ~1.5hr more per end than a normal bus. The fundamentals of embarking and disembarking passengers and their luggage is unchanged beyond needing to have all the luggage in a pile before you toss it on for weight distribution reasons.
You can't remove the part where you have to travel to an airport, generally out of town.
Security also seems to be variable enough that you need to add buffer, and then there's the built in incentive to have people sitting around in a shopping mall.
A shopping mall which you can't leave and in which you aren't allowed to bring your own drinks with few exceptions.
Or you're traveling to an airport near the city from out of town. For me it's over an hour and the associated cost--rarely drive myself--is often as much as the flight.
I really wish we had strict SLAs for airport security. Like 10 minutes average 20 minutes for the 95% percentile and a guarantee that it will never exceed 30 minutes. Seeing lines form around the block and passengers having to wait hours to clear security in some extreme cases is simply not acceptable.
Security doesn’t have to be that variable. Flights are all planned weeks in advance. TSA can pretty exactly predict the passenger volume in time to schedule enough workers, it’s just that sometimes they don’t. If they were going to be short staffed and needed people to come early, they could notify the airline and the airline could notify you that you needed to come early that day.
> You can't remove the part where you have to travel to an airport, generally out of town.
Some airports have good connections. In the last month I've been to Berlin and Brussels, and in each case my train journey into the city was about 15-20 minutes (caveat: I happened to be going to the right side of Berlin for the airport, and the Brussels train, while central, was _bizarrely_ expensive).
Of course, some airports, not so much. Grumble mutter Dublin (there is some hope of a rail line, or possibly _two_ rail lines, in about 2040, but until then it's a choice of painfully slow standard buses (1 hour into city), or expensive unreliable express buses (25 mins into city, if they show up)).
But for many routes, really security, and the sheer poor layout of the airport, is the big slowdown. My favourite for this is London City; the (small, weird) plane lands, you walk out a door, and you are at a DLR stop.
Boarding also always takes far longer than you'd imagine it should, mostly due to people being people. In principle you could board an airliner in a couple of minutes, but only with perfect behaviour from all passengers, so good luck with that.
Yeah, I take a bus trip regularly between cities for work. It's ~3.5 hrs from downtown to downtown and, even though the flight would only be just over an hour and about the same price, it ends up being not worth the effort.
Some high speed trains (in Spain, for one) require security checks to board as well. But they're way less intrusive or time consuming than flight checks.
Do they think you're going to hijack the train?
I think this is literally _just_ Spain, isn't it? Can't think of anywhere else that does it routinely.
One of the reasons I don't travel as much is due to this.
I used to live in the peninsula in SFBA. I was about 20-30 minutes away from SFO. Unless it was an international flight or I had checked luggage, I would never get to the airport before the flight started boarding. I would walk through security at a lightning pace (SFO is one of those airports where sometimes TSA precheck is longer than regular!) and get to my flight just as my boarding group was getting called.
It was so insanely efficient. I never spent a moment not moving in the airport. I'd often spend more time waiting on the plane to deboard than I would in the airport when leaving too.
I miss SFO. I live in NYC for now and all the NYC airports suck for the fact they all take about an hour to get to (from Manhattan) and they all regularly have large and inefficient security lines with theater that is only rivaled by Belgian airports.
I worked for someone once (pre-9/11) who would do the go to airport 30 minutes before flight sort of thing. Absolutely hated it. Airport was close to downtown Boston but still not how I like to catch planes even if delays are rarely an issue.
When I lived in Kyiv and airports were still a thing, flying from Zhuliany was a bliss. Something like 30 minutes from the apartment door to sitting at the gate. The fact that it's small and in city limits was a deciding factor.
> Due to the the time it takes at either end, there's a fixed minimum time cost to flying. Maybe three or four hours counting both ends.
To be fair to airports, the arrival side hasn't really changed post 9/11. If you check bags, that's on you - it's going to be slow to get your stuff.
But yeah - having to budget time to get through security is a pretty poor user experience. Especially during busy times of the year, when it's more uncertain just how much time is required.
> To be fair to airports, the arrival side hasn't really changed post 9/11. If you check bags, that's on you - it's going to be slow to get your stuff.
Except it has changed in the last couple of decades (probably not due to 9/11, but still), because size and weight limits for hand luggage keep getting smaller and smaller. I have always travelled light and avoided checking in luggage except for very long stays abroad, but it's becoming increasingly difficult.
For example, both Qatar and Etihad (very common airlines to travel between Europe and Asia) now limit hand luggage to 7 kg (and in the case of Etihad, they don't even allow the typical "personal item"). 7 kg is laughably little, a standard cabin bag already weighs 2. Pack a laptop and you'll struggle to pack even summer clothes for a few days. Let alone winter clothes or -oh, the luxury!- buying some souvenirs at your destination.
Fortunately, in my experience, they mostly just don't look. But they could, if you're unlucky. And even if they don't, the dwindling limits also reduce practical slack, i.e. with a formal limit of 9 kg I would feel comfortable packing 10 or 11 because most airport staff probably wouldn't be strict about that, but with 7, packing 10 or 11 starts looking like a real gamble.
I'll admit that I don't travel outside of the US much, so those issues don't really apply to me.
> 7 kg is laughably little, a standard cabin bag already weighs 2
One thing that I have done is move from roller luggage to a travel backpack. I personally use the Osprey Farpoint, but there are many in the category to choose from. Not only is it much lighter than hard sided luggage, but it's typically much more forgiving of dimensional requirements, and can often fit in overhead bins, where hard sided luggage may not be able to (if you're the last person trying to put something in the bin).
And on top of all of that, it's been much more reliable for me - I've had and seen roller luggage fail pretty often - at both the wheels and the handle. Neither of those exists on the bag, which just keeps trucking.
I get that for many people a travel backpack isn't an option. But if it is something that might work for you, I highly recommend it.
I don’t understand why people act like checking bags is a huge time sink. It’s maybe fifteen minutes at most on a bad day for the bag drop, and I can’t remember the last time I had to wait more than 20 minutes for them to show up on the carousel at my destination (and 20 minutes is super slow, it’s usually more like 10). The only times I’ve really had problems with checking bags is connecting flights when my flight is delayed or canceled and such, and even then while there was some stress over it my bags always got to my destination either when I did or sooner. On the last point the last time I flew international I had a baggage attendant at Heathrow actually call my phone personally to reassure me they had my bag and told me where to go to pick it up when I got to baggage claim.
I’m sure there’s horror stories out there of course, there always is, but 99.99% of the time checking a bag is only marginally less convenient than trying to fit everything in my carryon.
I don't know. At this point, I personally know multiple people who've "lost" luggage when flying.
Thankfully it's not as big of a deal now that airtags/trackers are readily available.
I mostly disagree.
There are times when I know I have to check a, usually, pretty small bag. But especially because of the delayed baggage issue or because of last minute changes to flights because of weather or whatever, I probably carry-on (with a light load) 9 times out of 10. Especially with dress being more casual these days I usually don't really need more than carry-on unless I'm activities requiring some amount of gear.
> “The main issue is fuel economy,” says aeronautics and astronautics professor Mark Drela. “Going faster eats more fuel per passenger-mile.
Pretty simple - we care more about air travel being cheaper and safer than we care about it being faster.
And even if not everyone does, operating entire flights at business class+ fares is probably not viable. Especially given that lie-flat seating (e.g. Polaris) with at least decent food is pretty comfortable for the people who are willing to pay a premium.
JSX operates an entire airline as business-only. They use CRJ-900s, so not long-range, but there's no TSA (they are technically charter flights, you board at an FBO).
You could feasibly run major transatlantic routes once or twice a day like that.
BA has, as I understand it, gone back and forth on London to New York business only flights. But that's not designing a whole new aircraft for the purpose.
To be fair, road travel hasn’t really increased in speed since the 60s either.
Once the freeways were built, truck and car speeds were about as fast as you can reasonably go.
Trains still have some headroom.
A car from the '60's could do 0-60mph in ... an age. I'm 54 y/o and not off of the '60's but old enough to remember lead in petrol (gas). My modern EV can do 0-30 rather rapidly and 0-60 quite rapidly. It tops out at 120 or so.
The US freeways are able to sustain high speeds but their older off ramps are proper old school and way too tight. Older bits of the German autobahns have the same issue - far too tight bends on "Ausfahrt". In France and Italy, Spain and well the rest of the EU I recall mostly decent on and off ramps.
I think the UK has the best efforts - we generally have massively long and large slip lanes but I will grant that we have some horrible exits from A roads, which are dual carriageway and so look like motorway. For example A303 whilst running through Somerset.
> Trains still have some headroom.
Honestly, not much. 350km/h seems to be the peak practical operating speed (and that hasn't really changed since the 80s). Even the rather impractical Shanghai maglev no longer operates over that speed, though it did routinely run at over 400km/h for a while. Most high speed systems are in that general range today.
_Maybe_ maglevs will eventually be practical, but I'd hate to bet on it. This is the only serious such project at the moment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chūō_Shinkansen#Energy_consump... (China seems to have largely lost interest in favour of conventional high-speed).
400 km/h seems to be practical. China started building trains that can go that fast. They must already have lines that support that speed, cause upgrading lines is the huge expense.
There is less advantage to increasing speed. Is it worth the cost of maglev Shinkansen to save 30 minutes? How long would 400 km/h rail take instead? Maglevs have disadvantage that need dedicated route, while high speed rail can take existing rail into cities.
Most trains run much slower than 350 km/h however.
At least in the USA:
Legally, road travel speeds have come along way from the 1974 federal speed limit of 55mph. States set their own limits now, and all fifty of them have a higher maximum limit. Safety-wise, cars are much safer in crashes than they were in the 60s, both at high and low speeds. Setting aside safety and the legal limits, raw top speeds of similar car models are much higher today than they were in the 60s and 70s. Acceleration and braking have vastly improved, too.
Highway speed not at peak times has increased by a lot since even the 90s.
Hell, the garbage trucks here go 70+ until they hit a hill.
What would interest me more is innovation at the airport end of things. Much faster travel links, much faster security. Or are airport perversely incentivised to not do this to sell overpriced food and trinkets?
Many airports (in the US, at least) make much more money from parking fees than everything else. On top of that, at least some operate their retail in a royalties model too (ie 20% of all sales goes to the airport, before any costs).
Thus, there is very little incentive to keep you in the airport less, and multiple incentives to keep you there longer.
Back when (90s) I did fly the Atlantic frequently for work, I would have preferred to sit in comfort in Virgin Atlantic Upper Class (although 747s are pretty fast) and take some time about it rather than be squashed into a Concorde with nothing much to look out of. By the time you have factored in the hassle of getting to and from the airport, comfort (for me at least) takes priority if someone else is paying for it.
I never got the choice and I must admit I would have liked to have flown Concorde once, just so I could say I had done - a beautiful aircraft, but then so is the 747.
My dad got upgraded to Concorde once for some reason. His reaction was pretty much that it was cool to have done it once but he probably actually preferred his first class PanAm and getting a good dinner rather than arriving in London at rush hour.
Physics has not changed since the 60s. Wave drag due to shock waves is still a thing.
By this reasoning, fighter planes shouldn't have improved either. We know that this is not the case. It's not the limits of physics holding us back.
I believe the SR71 is still the fastest fighter jet?
And they have not! Both F22 and F33 are significantly slower than say F4, F104, or F106 all designed in the 50s.
Or the SR-71...
Going faster and improving are two different things. Planes have improved immensely since the 1960s, but they don't go faster. Commercial aircraft have much lower fuel use. Military aircraft have things like better radar and stealth.
Recent and related "Airlines Are Padding Flight Times. It’s Not Your Imagination.: Flying in America has become slower even as official statistics have shown improvement.:" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/27/upshot/airlines-flight-ti...
So apparently the issue is fuel economy -- going faster uses more fuel, so there's an optimum speed.
But haven't jet engines become more fuel efficient in the past 50 years? You would think that by now they'd achieve at least 2x the speed with the same fuel load.
In pragmatic terms, I can be in a tiny town in Virginia at 4am, and then be in another tiny town in Washington state in about 12 hours...how much faster does it have to be?
The fact that you have to get up at 4am tells you one aspect of how much faster it could be.
It's why I typically travel by RV whenever I can. ;)
It's not fast, but it's a clean bathroom, great beer, and a really big suitcase I don't have to unpack.
I remember, in the mid 90s getting up at 6:00 am, taking a taxi to LGA and catching a 7:00 am Shuttle to Washingto DC so I could be at a 9:00 am meeting.
In part, that was partly because you could just walk on the next shuttle at 7:30 or whenever if you got delayed for some reason. Personally I'd probably take the train although a 9AM meeting might be tight.
6am is about the time you'd need to get up if you lived in Front Royal and wanted to make a 9am meeting and that's assuming a pretty efficient workflow for leaving the house.
That's wild. I'm presuming shuttles were eg hourly so you wouldn't be that delayed if you missed the 7am?
Does it need to be faster? It needs to be more comfortable imo. also the process of boarding and deboarding a plane is more annoying and slower than the 60s.
All you need to do is buy a business class ticket.
Still worse than it used to be, even business. Maybe first if you get a bed (transoceanic flights).
I've flown business - it's still not really that comfortable, but yes, it's much much better than economy or premium economy.
A lot of domestic flights, business is more like economy plus. Trans-Atlantic I don't really have complaints although red-eyes are still disruptive. (I pretty much always do London as a day flight even though it means an ungodly early start.) I agree it's not a hotel room although I often don't sleep well the first night in a hotel room after an international flight either. AFAIK, there isn't anything even on the drawing board that could do trans-Pacific non-stop.
Flights feel like they’ve gotten much slower, in user space time.
I remember as a kid in the 90s you could do a little metal detector, and sometimes not even that, and get on a plane.
The changes to cockpit doors solves the 9/11 problem. Other than that guy who lit his underwear on fire one Christmas, I don’t know what exactly all of this is pretending to prevent.
The TSA’s own internal tests have people getting handguns through.
I have pre-check. Maybe eventually everyone will have it and the vast majority of passengers won’t have to take off shoes or take out laptops. Then we’ll get back to where we were decades ago.