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Apple files emergency motion to become defendant in US vs. Google [pdf]


Interesting; I wonder if DOJ approaches on this stuff will continue (Vance has been clear he's a big tech skeptic), or if things will chill out a little.

In this case, the big complaint Apple has is that there was a really long trial, US v. Google, and one of the proposed remedies is a ban on a “contract between Google and Apple in which there would be anything exchanged of value.”

Apple is like "hold on a minute here, we weren't party to this trial."

When they asked to file some briefs, they were denied. Hence these motions, and also the PR push, I imagine.

I'm not a lawyer, but it seems like any party named in an order should at least be allowed to show up and say some things. We'll see.


> Interesting; I wonder if DOJ approaches on this stuff will continue

It will, but the remedy for all the cases will be to donate $25 million to the president's library.


That's called an out of court settlement for a lawsuit. Two parties can settle a lawsuit on whatever arbitrary terms they wish.


> remedy for all the cases will be to buy $25 million TRUMPCOIN

There, fixed it for you


My dumb American brain is surprised these things are allowed. :shrug:


There's the idealized America that we learn about in school, then there's America as it is.

I guess ideals are a nice tool to compare something against to measure something's relative value. But they can also be used as a whitewash. Maybe the difference is how engaged an informed citizen body is with the government.


We are discovering that enough of the electorate does not care when some politicians do it, so that the ideal is unenforceable, and I think it’s because of the media.


It is not allowed. People are conflating a private lawsuit between Donald Trump and some large corps, with the Justice Dept suing large corps. Justice Dept can't settle and give money the money away. Let's not let politics lobotomize our common sense.


Sure, during the 2018 election, candidates, parties, PACs, and outsiders combined spent about $5 billion – $2.5 billion on Democrats, $2 billion on Republicans, and $0.5 billion on third parties. And although that sounds like a lot of money to you or me, on the national scale, it’s puny. The US almond industry earns $12 billion per year. Americans spent about 2.5x as much on almonds as on candidates last year.


This is separate from the kind of case outlined in OP. The one linked has to do with Trump’s account being suspended.

It’s definitely off, but no different than a big pharma lobbyist paying every other presidential campaign. Or the 100’s of senate/rep races.

If anything, the funds Meta paid are less accessible to Trump than campaign donations.

The DOJ case has much broader implications than a social account being deactivated, then money being paid to the presidential library…


It's hugely different. We limit donations from lobbyists, force them to register their activities. This settlement goes straight to Trump's pockets like Frank Hagues desk drawer.




This has always been a weird case because the propose remedies have more to do with Apple than Google, and impact Apple negatively just as much (or more!) than Google.


Are there examples of any other outcomes that prohibited two specific companies from exchanging anything of value?

This seems like a strange outcome.

Why not just prohibit payment for default search?

Doesn't Apple use Google's servers to pre-train it's AI models?

So that gets banned to?


How and why is any better for Apple to pay Amazon or MSFT for that than Google?


It's not exactly this, but there is an interesting thing going on right now with the San Diego Padres in American Major League Baseball. The owner died last year and control of the team initially passed to his younger brothers. His wife wasn't happy about that and sued them and the team has ended up with an injunction pending resolution of who gets to actually control it going forward, and they've gone from being one of the most active franchises in the league of the past decade to making literally no new deals this offseason and watching all of their free agents leave. They basically can't buy anything until the court decides who of the surviving family gets to decide what to buy, which effects their own employees who can't get new contracts and any other franchises that otherwise might have traded with them.


Isn't the "ban the Apple-Google iOS search deal" just one of several proposed remedies, with the most significant one being a Google breakup? Certainly seems like that one would affect Google more than Apple. Or am I confused and the Google breakup thing is a proposed remedy in a separate case?


Specifically only selling off Chrome

DoJ asserts that owning a browser gave Google an unfair advantage in building a search engine to the degree that it prevented meaningful competition.

I don't think Google losing Chrome is too harmful to Google. I would say it's probably equal to Apple losing billions from the default search deal.


There would be so much opportunity in breaking up Apple and Google. And Amazon and Meta.

Just think of all the new startups and money to be made by breaking up big tech.

I think the valuation of a broken-up Google and Apple would exceed the monolithic conglomerates that they have become. So many of their business units and products don't even monetize because they're going for an intangible "platform value" that is only achievable at obscene scale. In this hulking form, they can reach into new markets and charge nothing, killing off all the incumbents, just so that they can grow their empires larger and tighten their grips on your attentions and wallets.

Amazon gives away Hollywood movies for free because it keeps your eyeballs glued to them. And they're also a grocery store, for god's sake.

A big tech breakup would provide much needed oxygen to the ecosystem, lift a bunch of impossible to beat barriers, and result in far more competition and money making.

Imagine a web that isn't dominated by Google or a phone market that isn't controlled by a duopoly. Imagine if we could suddenly launch iPhone and Gmail and YouTube competitors. The energy barriers are too high today because the big players have consolidated every angle of attack.

No wonder Peter Thiel and Vance want it. This would turn the big tech money siphons over to venture capital, entrepreneurs, and engineering ICs again.

We should all be 100% for this.


I don’t want to comment on if a breakup is a “good” thing for society, because I vaguely agree, but I’m not sure I agree with you on many points here.

> I think the valuation of a broken-up Google and Apple would exceed the monolithic conglomerates that they have become. So many of their business units and products don't even monetize because they're going for an intangible "platform value".

I think a lot of these products aren’t monetized because they’re actually bad businesses or failed ventures and companies have the free cash to support them. A lot more of Google’s (for example) random side projects seem to be getting subscriptions or collapses into existing ones. I also think that vertical integration creates unique value sometimes. I think spinning off these random side businesses could destroy the side businesses, but that this may still raise stock prices as the companies get better margins. I think a lot of these products are bad businesses because big tech salaries are high and that makes labor costs hard to account for.

I think the breakups obviously rectify consolidated power. 100%. But I don’t see more mobile phone operating systems coming from a breakup of Apple, for example. Gmail isn’t going to be replaced by a new email provider. Nor would we see a new YouTube, or other dominant businesses. Disrupting these massive aggregators won’t come from direct competition, but rather new product and service experiences. TikTok has shown that tech is already not impenetrable.

Finally, I totally agree that this would be a feeding frenzy for VCs, but VCs learned in the last decade how to rip off ICs even more through delaying IPOs and more aggressive dilution. So I wouldn’t be holding my breath as an IC that breaking up Google (or others) will make jobs better.


>And they're also a grocery store, for god's sake.

They're also your primary care doctor! Amazon OneMedical!

Scroll down the page a bit.


Counter point: Would breaking up Meta, Google, Apple, Microsoft decrease the progress in AI since those major companies are forking over hundreds of billions to build out mega AI infraustructure?


Going from the breakup of AT&T to the reconstitution of AT&T took about 40 years. Standard Oil probably did the same, though I haven't seen any fancy charts showing it on a timeline like with AT&T. There's probably some useful lessons to pick up from that time if they go the breakup route.




It's weird because we're currently trying to use the existing regulatory regime, which was created god knows how many decades ago, to wrangle with new companies that clearly don't fit into the existing definitions. Now we're in this embarrassing situation that people are trying to extricate themselves from because they know if this makes it to the Supremes the whole thing will be called out for the legally laughable farce that it is.

This is easy to solve though, just change the laws. Why are we putzing around with courts when we can just change the law? I'll never understand that?

Maybe the politicians see court cases as being able to be seen to be doing something, while at the same time having the comfort of knowing nothing will actually be done? Because they could easily just change the laws. The strategy they're pursuing doesn't make sense right now.


It's fairly hard to pass substantial bills these days thanks to polarization -- when a significant portion of your base sees cooperation as a betrayal, the incentives get wonky. (Not pointing that comment at either the left or the right to the exclusion of the other.) The days of Ted Kennedy finding ways to work across the aisle are gone, at least for now.


> This is easy to solve though, just change the laws.

When a large subset of people only care about culture war, this isn’t easy.


> This is easy to solve though, just change the laws.

Changing the law for highly politicized situations is damn near impossible today.


Vance came from big tech, he's not a skeptic, it's an act. He says things that make it seem like the leadership are against the big bad and for the average Joe. Apple is piling on this one so that both can get a win at the same time.


Vance came from Venture Capital, not big tech. Now that they have a seat st the table, I can see VC folk cannibalizing big tech if there's enough money in it. Who can say no to a court-mandated fire sale of Chrome Inc or Android Inc? They'd ride it all the way to an IPO, before the enterprises collapse without the ad-dollars <-> eyeballs virtuous cycle.


> can see VC folk cannibalizing big tech if there's enough money in it

Vance’s circle has never been in the business of disrupting Big Tech. They’re looking to sell to them. (Also the White House pigeons have more influence than Vance inasmuch as they might shit on Trump and thus catch his attention.)


Android is not nearly as profitable as you think and how would you make money from Chrome?


Vance did not come from big tech, he comes from VC circles in silicon valley which is an important distinction. The people he runs with quite literally call themselves "little tech" [1], and they have an agenda that does not necessarily align with the objectives of big 5 tech firms. However, I'm not at all trying to disagree with you on the fact that much of what he says and does is performative and has ulterior motives.



I mean, Vance's first job in VC was becoming a partner at Thiel's Mithril Capital in 2015, then he moved to Revolution LLC which was founded by Steve Case (of AOL fame), then he co-founded a VC firm with a former colleague from Mithril and funding from Peter Thiel.

So I mean, he's not "big tech" in the sense of working with or for the few huge corporations that control what we see and read and how we do it, but he's "big tech" in the way of being highly influenced by Silicon Valley billionaires and their "government just gets in the way, down with regulations and laws so I can get more wealth and power" ethos.


Came here to say this. He brought all the tech industry with him.


Lawyer here: As a general rule, you can't bind non-parties with injunctions. Courts have no authority to enforce such injunctions either.

A very recent example:


It’s pretty chilling to think about the political weaponisation potential of a court case continuing or not at the whims of the current regime.

Fall into line or be litigated out of existence…


Or "settle my personal civil suit against you and if the award is high enough I'll let your proposed merger go through". I know corrupt politicians aren't rare. But trying to hide it at least affirms to people that the rule of law should be a thing.


This has always been the case though. Not every court case gets pursued to completion. And some that do shouldn’t.


I can’t help but feel democracy needs a huge amount of separation between the legal and political systems to remain functional.

As in attorney generals, judges etc. should be appointed by a non political process. I think any rebuttals of the form ‘the other side did it too’ just add weight to this viewpoint.


I think it needs to be stated as a matter of fact that Vance has demonstrated he doesn’t hold a position if it isn’t advantageous to him. Which is normal for politicians, but in his case very extreme.

So not to take anything away from the rest of your comment but that part of it should be disregarded.


Maybe; They should have still been able to file amicus curiae but likely they would have to appeal the remedy instead of attempting to become a co-defendant.

The case was Google illegally using it monopoly power. The Remedy was to prevent some of the anti-compitive actions. If the agreement was to split up Google, or for it to sell off chrome it wouldn't make sense for Apple to be a co-defendent.


IANAL but AFAIK amicus curiae is not for "my interests will be impacted in this case because I have a claim that's involved". It's more for things like "hey, we do a lot in this area of law and here's something neither party has thought of that your decision might impact".





The case is about prohibiting Google to enter search deals with distributors (both phone makers like Apple, carriers, and browser developers like Mozilla), see Bloomberg reporting: . The original complaint is the first PDF in the docket.


I’ve been following this case, and explained the history here:

The tile would be more accurate if it said “Apple requests a pause in US vs. Google while it attempts to intervene”.


Yes, vastly better. The title as it now stands makes no sense at all.


This is the case referred to:

"The United States of America, acting under the direction of the Attorney General of the United States, and the States of Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, South Carolina, and Texas, acting through their respective Attorneys General, bring this action under Section 2 of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. § 2, to restrain Google LLC (Google) from unlawfully maintaining monopolies in the markets for general search services, search advertising, and general search text advertising in the United States through anticompetitive and exclusionary practices, and to remedy the effects of this conduct."

Edit: NAL, but this seems to be at least partially about Apple bundling Google search in MacOS / iOS: (From the emergency motion) "Second, Apple will suffer clear and substantial irreparable harm if it is unable to participate in the remedies phase moving forward. Apple will be unable to participate in discovery and develop evidence in the targeted fashion it has proposed as this litigation progresses toward a final judgment. If Apple’s appeal is not resolved until during or after the remedies trial, Apple may well be forced to stand mute at trial, as a mere spectator, while the government pursues an extreme remedy that targets Apple by name and would prohibit any commercial arrangement between Apple and Google for a decade. This would leave Apple without the ability to defend its right to reach other arrangements with Google that could benefit millions of users and Apple’s entitlement to compensation for distributing Google search to its users. Further, Apple will be unable to present its own live testimony or cross-examine witnesses who opine about Apple’s interests and incentives with respect to the general search market."


Thanks for the overview!

Can't help but notice that this is all deep red states. Why might that be? From above, this seems pretty bipartisan and what Lina Khan (MVP) has been working on for the last four years.


State AGs from the same party are more likely to work together on a suit. Big tech has almost exclusively donated to and supported democrats over the years, so AGs from that party have more political capital to lose.


Some issues are (largely) bipartisan.

Over time the sentiment towards concentration of power in small number of big tech firms has rubbed both the Democrats and Republicans the wrong way.

Somewhat for different reasons initially, but the end result/agreement converges.


> Plaintiffs proposed a remedial term unique to Apple that would forbid any “contract between Google and Apple in which there would be anything exchanged of value.”



Ooof. Google gives Apple like a third of its search revenue on iOS searches. Apple gets tens of billions of bucks from this. Presumably it is so much money in part because Microsoft would happily pay half that to be the default instead. But if Google isn't allowed to offer anything at all, Microsoft is free to offer only a sliver of what it otherwise would have, because what's Apple gonna do otherwise, send all of its users to Duck Duck Go?


I suspect the biggest concern Apple has is that it’s a big part of their services revenue, which is what’s holding their earnings up currently. They want Services to be seen as a big interesting business, but it’s mostly Google and App Store games. It’d be a big problem for them to report a drop in services revenue, and they’re not going to find anything to replace it quickly enough.


Also consider that a good portion of Apple's services revenue is from services running on GCP, which would be prohibited. They could go all-in with AWS and Azure, but that's a significant tech change and reduces their negotiating power with those alternatives.


From a legal perspective, Apple's biggest concern, by far, is that this case could set a precedent for using courts to sanction Apple without letting Apple in court. Next to that, revenue is meaningless. Because they can take your revenue from whatever source via judgement, without giving you so much as an opportunity to file a brief in front of the court.

This is one time where there is much more on the line than money. At least for Apple. Maybe for everyone if the Supremes were to say this is OK. (Unlikely in the extreme, but still.)


> what's Apple gonna do otherwise, send all of its users to Duck Duck Go?

Now that they're not encumbered by the Google deal: build their own search engine.


Apple has enough spare cash to buy a small country. They can build a search engine if they wanted to.

There's a reason there are only a dozen or so successful search engines worldwide, and maybe five successful image search engines. The margins are razor thin, it's a constant battle against "SEO optimisers" trying to ruin search engines for profit, and the moment they get popular governments start coming up with very creepy requests and demands.

It'll cost them billions and they won't know if they can even beat Google before Google drops them as a client for trying to compete with them, taking out a lucrative multi billion dollar deal for a default setting.

No, I think they'll just contract Microsoft Bing and rid themselves of the risks. They're already incorporating Microsoft's side OpenAI side project into their service stack, so it'd just make sense to couple further. Maybe the American government will sue them for that deal as well, but before that's final there will be years of not decades of lawsuits and appeals.


> Now that they're not encumbered by the Google deal: build their own search engine.

"Encumbered"? Apple wants a deal with Google search. Apple is 'self-encumbering' themselves: Apple wants the deal so they don't have go through the rigamarole of building it themselves.

Building would cost a lot and they'd also not be getting cash from Google: so they're doubly hit.


They have the google deal specifically because they don't want to be in the search engine business.

> In a declaration filed with the U.S. District Court in Washington, Apple Senior Vice President Eddy Cue said creating a search engine would require diverting significant capital and employees, while recent AI developments make such an investment "economically risky." declaration.pdf


Yup! And the fact that Apple has so far appeared completely uninterested in doing this (compare this to how aggressively Apple competes against Google Maps!) proves that this anticompetitive financial arrangement harms competition, which harms consumers (and probably even harms advertisers, since having Google Search in such a dominant position means Google has much more pricing power to sell ads than they would if a large chunk of iPhone users moved over to Apple Search).


Or just don't use a default at all and have users select a search provider when they get their phones. Would mean they don't get any kickbacks though. They could also, and probably should, route most requests through Siri first, that is, when they finally get Siri up to the level of modern LLMs.


I seriously doubt Apple would move to Bing by default, even if there were some short term monetary gain. Using a subpar/cluttered search interface is so far off from their brand image.

I find it 10x more likely Apple would suddenly find the motivation to make their own search engine if forced to end their deal with Google.

(They say they wouldn't under any circumstance, but seems to be posturing to me)

Regardless, it's clear getting paid Billions to give people the default they'd choose anyway is a good deal for them.

I wonder who at Google negotiated this, because the terms seem very bad for them. They only make sense if the premise was to prevent Apple from starting a competitor


> I seriously doubt Apple would move to Bing by default, even if there were some short term monetary gain. Using a subpar/cluttered search interface is so far off from their brand image.

> I find it 10x more likely Apple would suddenly find the motivation to make their own search engine if forced to end their deal with Google.

I find it 10x more likely that in such case they would use white label Bing and do front-end on their own.


> I find it 10x more likely Apple would suddenly find the motivation to make their own search engine if forced to end their deal with Google.

I think that could only work if someone successfully makes the case internally that an Apple search engine built in to Safari (not as a first-class web app) would boost the Apple brand and/or Safari market share enough to justify it. Maybe even offer it as a subscription.

To monetize it with ads would go completely against their DNA -- ad revenue incentivizes companies to violate users' privacy and build a sub-optimal UX. So it would have to be either a subscription or a platform feature.


Apple is one of the most valuable companies in the world. They'd probably just buy an also ran search engine and make it the default. I'd say the only reason they didn't do this already was Google's money bag was so big and replacing them would be so easy if it shrank or disappeared.

Smaller companies are the ones that will really get screwed by this ruling, Apple will be fine.


That would possibly recoup the laziest of users but wouldn't the bulk simply switch to Google, leaving Apple with none of that revenue?


Or Kagi :D


Which pays Google…


> Microsoft is free to offer only a sliver of what it otherwise would have

Would Apple even be able to make a deal with anyone at that point?


> what's Apple gonna do otherwise, send all of its users to Duck Duck Go?

I mean, ye


>> Plaintiffs proposed a remedial term unique to Apple that would forbid any “contract between Google and Apple in which there would be anything exchanged of value.”

> Wow

That seems a little broad. Wouldn't it forbid Google from buying Macbooks for employees, for instance?


There’s a joke in there about the value of Macbooks.


No, because there's no contract necessary to purchase Macbooks.


As far as I understand it, this is specifically to do with the bundling of Google search in Apple devices. Still big but not a ban on any contracts between them.


From the proposed restriction seems to be:

> “Google must not offer or provide anything of value to Apple—or offer any commercial terms—that in any way creates an economic disincentive to compete in or enter the GSE or Search Text Ad markets,”

That's a very broad statement that could easily be interpreted to cover more than just the default-search-provider agreement.


It's pretty consistent with what the law actually says. Here's the Sherman Act:

> Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is hereby declared to be illegal.

> Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other per- son or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, shall be deemed guilty of a felony

It's very under-enforced, but that's what it says.


True - hadn't spotted the bit about the Search Text Ad bit either.


So all Google services would disappear from the App Store because it could be argued that it provides tremendous value for Google to have their services there? The $100 USD /year fee, even if withdrawn, would trigger it, since it's a contract, right?


Yeah that seems a little extreme. Like some person at Apple signs up for Google Workspaces and the company's in violation.


Or, for that matter - Apple is a major customer of GCP for iCloud storage. A court order requiring that business to cease would place an undue burden on Apple.


Or Google wants to buy/license any Apple products, e.g. for developing apps to run on Apple devices.


Or you know, buy some iPhones or MacBooks.




I think people have the wrong idea when they see “defendant” in the title. Here’s what happened:

Apple has been watching this case closely from the beginning because it implicates the enormous amounts of money that Google pays them to be the default search engine on Apple devices. They’ve been involved as a nonparty, providing witnesses and documents requested by Google and the United States and have had lawyers present to observe from the gallery throughout the proceedings.

Until recently, Apple and Google were on the same side. Google was incentivized to win the case, which is also what Apple wanted because that would preserve the revenue share. But then Google lost the liability phase of the trial, and the government asked for truly extraordinary remedies including a divestiture of Chrome, significant changes to Android contracts, and a 10 year ban on any contract of any value whatsoever between Apple and Google.

Apple feels that its interests are no longer perfectly aligned with Google’s. First, Google has bigger fish to fry than its Apple revenue share because it needs to defend its Chrome and Android businesses. Second, it would actually benefit Google if they weren’t able to pay Apple revenue share if Apple kept Google as the default search engine because it’s the best on the market and Apple doesn’t want to provide an inferior option to its users.

So Apple filed a motion to intervene for the limited purpose of defending its right to contract during the remedies phase of the trial. That doesn’t make Apple a defendant. The Court can’t order Apple to do anything in its final remodels order. But it would allow Apple to present evidence during the remedy phase, call and cross-examine witnesses, and participate in the post-hearing briefing.

Apple says its purpose in participating in the remedies phase is to present evidence that neither Google nor the government is equipped to provide: information on Apple’s future plans. Apple says, regardless of what the Court does, it has no plans to invest the billions of dollars that would be required to enter the general search market. The government’s ban on Apple working with Google is premised at least in part on that competitive entry, which Apple aims to demonstrate is a fantasy.

The Court partially denied Apple’s request, fearing that other parties would also want to intervene. The Court will not allow Apple to call or cross-examine witnesses, but Apple can submit up to two affidavits from fact witnesses and participate in writing post-hearing briefs.

The government has represented to Apple that it will challenge the Court’s decision to give Apple that limited role during the remedies phase, and so the linked document is a request for a pause of the remedies phase while Apple appeals the partial denial of its motion to intervene to the D.C. Circuit.

Happy to answer any questions about the legal standards involved or the procedural history of the case.


The court's position here is strange - you can't bind non-parties with injunctions.

This is even part of the FRCP - see 65(d)(2)

The only exception is basically aiding and abetting.

This is well settled caselaw basically forever. I posted it elsewhere in the thread, but here's a very recent example:

(Youtube can't be ordered by a federal court to take down posts as part of an injunction, when they aren't party to the case).

The court may want to keep whatever scheduling it has, but it's going to royally screw itself if it tries to order an injunction that affects the rights of non-parties in a meaningful way like this, without being really really careful about it.

Especially with SCOTUS just itching to find important cases where they can reinforce the limited nature of injunctions and ensure courts only grant relief that deals with the parties at hand.


>if Apple kept Google as the default search engine because it’s the best on the market and Apple doesn’t want to provide an inferior option to its users

Apple did exactly this in the past with Apple Maps replacing Google Maps, so I don't see why this would bother them much.


> Second, it would actually benefit Google if they weren’t able to pay Apple revenue share if Apple kept Google as the default search engine because it’s the best on the market and Apple doesn’t want to provide an inferior option to its users.

That doesn't make much sense to me. If that were the case, Google could've stopped paying it long ago?


Prior to this lawsuit, Apple could bluff and say they would contract with Bing or some other search engine, and indeed evidence from the trial showed that Apple would invite Bing to submit bids but internally was clear that no amount of money would be enough to switch from Google. One key piece of evidence showed that Microsoft had offered to give Apple 100% of its Bing revenue on Apple devices and that still wasn’t enough to overcome Bing’s lack of quality.

If Google is removed as an available option, Apple can longer keep up the facade and will be forced to either suck it up and keep Google for free or give their users an inferior product. Mozilla tried switching from Google once and users hated it. Apple doesn’t want to piss off its users.


Apple did send traffic to Bing in the past. It wasn't all of their iOS search traffic, but some.


Thankyou so much for the laymens terms explanation.

This all sounds so complex to my non legal brain, but is 'a request for a pause of the remedies phase while Apple appeals the partial denial of its motion to intervene' classed as a really simple standard legal procedure in the courts?


These types of motions for a stay are analyzed under a four-part test. Apple needs to show that 1) it is likely to succeed in its underlying request, 2) that without a stay it will suffer irreparable harm, 3) that no other party is unduly harmed by a stay, and 4) that the public interest is not disserved by a stay.

The four parts are weighed together, and a strong showing on one part can make up for a weaker showing on another part.

Assuming that Apple can make that showing, yes the standard procedure is to stay the case while Apple appeals. That preserves the status quo, which would be lost to Apple forever even if it ultimately succeeds on appeal if there was no stay (this is the “irreparable harm” part of the test).


If the DoJ get's Google to divest from Chrome, wouldn't that also setup some precident to force Microsoft/Bing to divest from (the new chromium) Edge?


I highly highly doubt that DOJ succeeds in convincing the Court to force Google to divest Chrome. That wasn’t really part of the trial, which focused on Google’s contracts to make its search engine the default on other platforms.

However, if DOJ does succeed then yes this case could make it easier in the future to force Microsoft to divest Bing if Bing ever gained a monopoly in search. As a comparison, the original Microsoft antitrust case precedent is very important to this search case. That’s why the government sued in this district (the same district they sued Microsoft in decades ago).


Microsoft/Bing is not the dominant (far from it) search/ad/platform provider


(not a lawyer) What's gut check on how likely this is to succeed? Is this one of those things like preliminary motions to dismiss that are almost always filed but rarely successful, or has a decent shot?


My gut says that Apple will probably get to keep what the Court gave it already (the ability to file two affidavits and participate in the post-hearing briefing) but not full intervention as it originally requested.

District courts have very broad discretion to order their affairs (going to the first point) and Apple’s request likely came too late to be permitted to intervene (going to the second point).


I very much needed the plain English. Thank you!


I have read somewhere that the money Google pays Apple for being the default is a relatively big chunk of Apple's profit margins. If true, then it is understandable why Apple is fighting hard for it.


Also, what will apple do - make Google not the default? Giving users bing or whatever will just piss off a lot of people.


It seems the main thing the DoJ is upset about is that Apple hasn't developed a search engine themselves, because they have these deals with Google.


Surprised Apple and Google haven't just come to an agreement for Apple to "create their own" search engine which uses Google as the backend to work around it.


So they want more vertical integration?


Option 1: Present the choices on the Setup screen when you install the new iOS.

Option 2: Leave the default NULL and when the user first hits search in iOS (and default is NULL), present the list of search providers.


If they're still not being paid for those choices, I don't see why Apple would do this instead of just making the default Google (or something else reasonable).


Sure - but what I mean is that Apple seems to be stuck without any good options here. Even if they don't get the $20B/yr, most users will probably either choose google search, or be upset if they don't get google search on mobile safari.


Develop their own crappy version and rely on most people not noticing. (Apple Maps)


I notice that I don’t see ads in Apple Maps.


Your info might be outdated. Apple Maps is actually better than Google Maps in many ways (e.g. it says "pass this light and at the next one, turn left" instead of "in 300 feet, turn left")


Google search has already become crappy enough. I doubt Apples would do so much worse at this point.


Apple need to get their AI act together and replace Siri with a decent RAG-supporting AI that people are likely to prefer to search (Google search is becoming less and less useful, both in of itself and wrt AI).

It's funny that when Apple originally acquired the Siri tech from SRI international ("Siri" = "SRI"), there were plans to augment it with all sorts of agentic behaviors like OpenTable bookings, which never happened, and now OpenAI's first agent "Operator" seems to be focusing on exactly use cases like that (OpenTable, Uber, etc). Rather than paying for search, these sort of AI-generated business referrals could be a revenue source for Apple, or at least offset the cost of licencing a SOTA AI from someone else until/unless they develop their own.




> relatively big chunk of Apple's profit margins

It's about 1/6 of Apple's profits.

And proportional to the growth of their devices i.e it's likely to go down over time as they grow beyond iPhone/Mac.


Does Apple think Google is going to intentionally lose the trial so they don't have to pay anymore :D?


Their services profits maybe (which is where Wallstreet's perceived growth is coming from)


Doesn't matter what % of Apple's profits, we're talking $11-figures per year.

There are not enough lawyers in American (within this legal niche) to soak up all the legal expenses that defending an 11-figure profit center could justify.


So what case is this? I’m assuming something app-store related?


Google monopoly case. Apple is involved because Google pays Apple to set the default search engine in Safari to Google. Apple received 20 billion from Google in 2022 (1) and Google has floated the idea of loosening of its agreements with Apple to make the US government happy (2).

Apple doesn't want to give up that Google money.




It's the search engine kickbacks, I believe:

- "This would leave Apple without the ability to defend its right to reach other arrangements with Google that could benefit millions of users and Apple’s entitlement to compensation for distributing Google search to its users."

Also, ("Google antitrust ruling may pose $20 billion risk for Apple" (2024))


I think its the search monopoly one. Likely due to the fact that it was ruled illegal for Google to pay Apple $20B for default search engine placement.


It's a part of it, for sure. Apple is apprehensive of monopoly findings, because it'll provide more ammo for the future lawsuits regarding its AppStore monopoly.


Who would Apple choose as their search provider even if Google didn't pay them? If they gave users a choice up-front I'm sure 99% would choose Google too. Can someone explain how this isn't a big deal for Google?


It opens the possibility that not-Google web search services could sell their way into various apps and service.

Right now, Google has exclusive global contracts. A company with a product that's paid for Google's web search must use Google at every search access point and in every country they sell into where Google does business.

If Google's restricted from those contracts, local web search has a chance, user web search choice has a chance, the web itself has a chance.

Sure, Apple may keep Google in the US, but they might start swapping in Siri for some search access points, or swapping in ChatGPT search in others, or switching away from Google in Korea or Brazil or other markets with strong local services.

Who knows, maybe we'd have a compelling Apple Web Search today, like we have Apple Maps as an alternative to Google Maps, but that couldn't have happened because of these incentives. Take away the $20B+ a year Google pays Apple for that placement and maybe Apple provides a better service with more privacy protections and less spam. Maybe not, but if we don't change how this all works, we'll never know.


> but they might start swapping in Siri for some search access points

They've been doing this for years now.

AppleBot has been crawling away powering the Safari Suggestions engine.


The product of competitors is somehow not better enough to cause people to navigate a click away.


IDK but I think it'd be really funny if Apple switched to using Bing as their default search engine.


prep for court judgement release:

"In lieu of the court ruling, Apple today announces the availability of Apple Scout and Apple AdSight. Apple Scout will serve as the new default search engine in MacOS and iOS."

"Markets were shaken today as Alphabet plunged 20%..."


It’s impressive how a decision as banal-on-the-surface as a default search engine can kick open the strongbox of big business, unravel anti-trust suits and crook the neck and knee of businessmen to the State.


Makes sense. Judge Mehta blocked Google from paying Apple. Apple wants to keep receiving billions of dollars from Google.




It seems the key sticking point is that the DOJ proposed forbidding “any contract between Apple and Google in which there would be anything exchanged of value.”

In other words, give us our $15 -20 Billion a year.