Review: Superbloom: How Technologies of Connection Tear Us Apart
·January 30, 2025burningion
Not refuting your point, just want to point out that I can think of many other isolating experiences like:
- reading a newspaper/books
- binge watching Netflix
- refreshing HN every 2 minutes
I’m not sure that’s a specific aspect of social media.
The interesting thing about reading a newspaper or book, though, is that it is the same for everyone. So you can feel a sort of connection to others who are or have also done this. I think this is also a good explanation for why it's so easy for people to bond over things like sports.
Same for Hacker News and older bulletin board style forums: it's largely the same experience for everyone (at least at any given moment). When you load the frontpage, it's roughly the same stories at the top for everyone (sans whatever you've manually hidden, of course.)
Social media isn't completely different, but it sure is weirder, especially with algorithmic feeds. I don't use social media anymore, but sometimes when I would talk with friends it would become apparent that the posts that were surfacing for them were completely different than the ones surfacing for me, which gave us very different ideas of what the general feeling on some issues was. I think this probably amplifies the living shit out of false pluralities.
The idea is that your newsfeed eventually becomes uniquely tailored to you.
Of course it contains posts that may be shared widely and thus unifying, or posts from your close friends and relatives and thus also unifying in a way. This is not a given though, and the context of your newsfeed is effectively unique.
This is one of the reasons community feeds exist, which are the same for the members of a community and thus somehow unifying, around a topic of interest.
I'm not sure I'd agree reading a book is isolating. At a minimum, you can (assuming a human author...) "get inside the author's brain." Some books are better at this than others, certainly.
But even without that, look at the popularity of book discussions, book clubs, and things like that. Multiple people, reading the same book, at the same pace, and discussing it. That's the opposite of isolating, and is impossible to achieve with "personalized feeds." There's no common point to discuss.
And, as yet another example, have you ever read a book that someone else has marked up and taken notes in? Passing a book around a few friends, each with a different color pen to make notes, is certainly not isolating.
I think there’s something quite cosy or comforting about simply enjoying the company of a friend with a book as well. Don’t even have to read the same thing, it’s just another way of spending time together and is anything but lonely or isolating.
Maybe it’s just one of those things that becomes more pleasant as you grow older and enjoy a more laid back pace, but I appreciate having those friends you can just chill with without really having to ‘do’ something or needing to fill the space with conversation. You’ve become close enough (not necessarily romantically) that you can just enjoy the presence.
> I'm not sure I'd agree reading a book is isolating. At a minimum, you can (assuming a human author...) "get inside the author's brain."
I think that's it.
You are not connecting with "people", but you are connecting deeply with the highly concentrated (and presumably original and high quality) thoughts of one person.
Quality beats quantity for most types of relationships. We don't need lots of close friends, although that's great. But we really benefit from even one, two or three very close friends.
Social media increasingly isolating, full of dreck, and often shallow. But the last one, shallow, is not the problem the other two are. It is also healthy to maintain wider looser social circles.
Yeah, agreed. The essay I linked to adds the cost of choice for a medium against a potential reward too.
> On modern social media platforms, each person gets their own, personalized feed. > As their feed becomes more personalized, it gets more and more isolated from a common, shared cultural context.
I see this as a feature. I was so bored in high school, kids talking about football games ad nauseam. There was no easy cohort to chat about things I cared more about. Why should we force one shared experience on everyone? After all, that is why i'm on HN and not CNN.
There’s an optimal middle ground and physical real world communities built around a shared interest generally fit this well- you still get a diversity of people, but they all want to be together for a reason.
> On modern social media platforms, each person gets their own, personalized feed.
I notice this with streaming platforms like Netflix as well, there is no longer a channel that we all watch (not even in the same household), so a lot of water boiler talk about TV shows have disappeared. The only conversations I have about TV shows are now on reddit.
Adding to this thought, I've found the move from scheduled content to on demand does this too. Often viewers are at different spots in the series which diminishes conversation.
For a long time I've read/watched media that none of my peers do - manga/anime/light novels and what I've works for me is to invite people to talk about what currently excites them no matter what media type it is and go into detail.
It's actually fascinating to think how many things I watched just because other people watched them. Now I hardly watch anything, even though I never thought my motivation for watching things was to talk about them.
It's the Internet itself.
I'd rather say it's the targeted ads part of the internet.
It's a bummer that there's a whole generation that doesn't know how much fun it was for everyone to watch and discuss the same episode of the same show at the same time week to week.
And yeah, now imagine everyone watching their own personalized media. Under the surface it's so empty.
Are there even any more shared cultural moments/experiences like that anymore? The closest thing I can think of is maybe large sporting events, but even then, they seem much less impactful than before.
Sports are also totally about betting in the 21st century, at least in the US
I’d say movies.
I currently think status feed (WhatsApp, RSS) and discussions group (Messaging Apps, IRC, forums, Email threads) is the best way to connect socially on the web. Any algorithms that includes personalization is inherently selfish.
One great thing that I like to find is interest or curation lists. Like themed books, favorite music albums, software one uses,… Better than any recommendation engine.
Yeah, but actually people do talk about the same topics like Elon, Trump, etc. It’s just not the same view anymore, but the same issues.
It's not connection but the software and motivations of the companies behind it along with the structure of our society that is the problem. I make music for fun. Half of my online interaction is people looking to make a buck. Connecting in a music space wasn't like that 20 years ago. The conversations I had online 20 years ago are now still happening just in private discords. Connecting in public spaces driven by algo's based purely to serve profit motives and people whose motives aren't connection but clout/politics/selling something doesn't define some universal tech/connection rule.
I'm on a locals hiking mail list. We share things like when the kokanee are running. That doesn't get blasted to 20,000 people with zero interest but who will go because they saw it in the equivalent of the local 'what to do this weekend' section of the newspaper. Society has arranged itself so that there is very little to do without spending money. And so those few things of beauty, free, and semi easy to get to get 'devoured' by a very hungry populace.
But on the hiking/biking app I have no fear sharing trails because the 'social media' people on the app are only going to trails they can get to within 2 minutes of the highway. People that are going on a 2 hour mountain hike that requires an hour of fire road driving self select out. Plus if we don't get enough people going the trails get overgrown so I need exposure. I am only sharing because I want something out of it (enough traffic to keep the trail accessible) and I don't share my favorite trails outside of the mail list. Social media companies have made sure their experience is purely transactional at this point, not 'connective', but things like selective highly connecting discords/email lists exist and very much connect people in healthy ways.
It's like we're re-learning something humans have intuitively understood since humans have existed: a cohesive community needs to be human-scaled and has standards it enforces.
Online "communities" often fail at both. They allow any rando to show up (or even encourage them to do so via algorithms), and there are no barriers to entry or consequences for leaving.
Reminds me of an old Bruce Sterling quote: "politics pulls us together, technology tears us apart". That always struck me as being directly opposite of our intuitions as technologists.
As a species, we need a wider exploration of how to structure online spaces in a way that builds and sustains social capital instead of usurping it. That's difficult to do with out resorting to censorship and ideological totalitarianism. And it's probably not compatible with the ad-funded addiction-driven business model of most modern platforms.
One historical example of note here is Wikipedia. It was a complete failure as a for-profit product, but it skyrocketed in significance when it opened up and adopted the relatively new social interaction model of the wiki.
Like home-cooked meals, real-life connections are hard to build and nurture. On the other hand, web connections are cheap and fast.
It takes less than a minute to go from opening an Instagram account to "connecting" (following) with someone and see their semi-nude photos
Do we need to have a single, common cultural experience? Mass media, and the resulting mass culture, are a recent phenomenon, and certainly one that has been heavily criticized.
My sense is that we're in the middle of a phase-transition, and the unhappiness and dislocation that people feel is because the old world (shared cultural context) is dying, but the new world hasn't yet been born.
Our generation will have the hardest time because we have a foot in both worlds.
What existed before mass-media was a shared experience with unmediated interactions. With mass media, the interactions are mediated but there is still a shared experience. With social media, there is neither unmediated interaction nor shared experience.
So I think you are correct that we are transitioning to a new "phase", but I disagree with the implication that things will be better once the transition is over. They could be worse!
I'm not sure what you mean by "a shared experience with unmediated interactions."
Without mass media, how did people share an experience? Do you mean sharing with your friends/family/church? If so, isn't that option still available post-transition?
Or is your point that social media destroys personal interactions, so the next generation is left with nothing (kind of like porn destroying healthy sex lives)? If so, then I agree the future might be worse.
But it's also possible that social interactions are changing, and it is only because they are different for us that we think of it as "worse". Moreover, society hasn't yet had a chance to adapt to the new technology, so we don't know exactly what social interactions will be like in the future. It could be that kids tomorrow will learn to adapt to social media just as our generation learned to adapt to TV.
Here's an essay reflecting on the value of having a shared experience of the world, cultural or otherwise:
I certainly think there is value in shared cultural values. But my point is:
1. We value a shared culture because that's what we're used to. There's no guarantee that future generations will agree.
2. Shared cultural values also have downsides, and depending on your perspective, the downsides might outweigh the benefits.
Good article. I think I need to add this book to my reading list now.
I'm not sure I fully agree with the conclusion, though, that we can't change the tech and can only change ourselves. I think there's a lot of room to explore variations on tech that are healthier for us and for society. Adding friction as mentioned in the article is one example, but I think there's more we can come up with if we treat our attentional and societal health as a primary goal.
This probably does, to some extent, involve changing ourselves too. Frictionlessness and seamlessness are comfortable, and rejecting those will probably always involve some conscious effort. But we don't have to do it all alone, as individuals! Those of us with the skills to do so can try to build healthier tools so that people have alternatives when they go looking.
The author, Nicholas Carr, is doing a free Zoom event with Christine Rosen from the American Enterprise Institute on Feb 10th. They are giving out free copies of the book to those that attend. -
I look forward to reading this.
But anyone who thinks it's new should go back and read the first part of The Anatomy of Melancholy; there, a fictionalized Democritus, accused of insanity, turns the accusation back on the world at large, citing a surprisingly large and still relevant list of issues: information overload, self-serving politicians, charlatans, rubes, general bullshit. The phenomenon of meteoria goes back that far and further. I'm actually curious whether Carr cites Burton!
Once again, Douglas Adams was ahead of his time:
Meanwhile, the poor Babel fish, by effectively removing all barriers to communication between different races and cultures, has caused more and bloodier wars than anything else in the history of creation.
was that "medium is the message" (or massage) ?
by Marshall McLuhan, as noted here:
I'm just going to say that it's Nicholas "Filter Bubbles Make Us Stupid, We Should Talk To Opposing Viewpoints All Day" Carr.
If you believe social media is tearing us apart, a significant chunk of responsibility lies on his shoulders. (We knew shared cultural context matters, but by Jove, "Filter Bubbles" was a term that could be milked for book deals, so milk he did)
Hello, untruths!
>The term filter bubble was coined by internet activist Eli Pariser circa 2010. In Pariser's influential book under the same name, The Filter Bubble (2011), it was predicted that individualized personalization by algorithmic filtering would lead to intellectual isolation and social fragmentation.[1]
Ctrl+F for "carr" on the "filter bubble" wiki reveals two instances of "carrots". Similarly, Ctrl+F for "bubble" on Carr's Wiki returns 0 results. The book Carr is most famous for was based on an article that he wrote two years prior to Pariser coining the term, and was published the same year the term was coined. His following two books also don't seem to be riding on some kind of "filter bubble" coattail (I mean, unless you've found a way to connect his next book, a 2014 release about automation, to filter bubbles!). It was Pariser who published "The Filter Bubble" a year later.
Essentially, what you've done is written this piece off entirely based on a false assumption, and suggested that others do the same.
I call partial nonsense. Faddish tech bashing and harping on de jure boogeymen like "misinformation", which overeaches beyond valid criticisms to apply social connection technologies as a cause for the harm between people that has perhaps always been the case in many contexts. Cherry picking can make any argument seem valid and especially if you rule out other considerations in favor of a specific narrative agenda.
We still always have the option today of connecting with real people in the real world, as much as or more so than we have at any time in our history, while also being able to use social media and other related technologies to connect with distant family or friends in ways that are completely unique to a modern context.
This duality is a fundamental good, because it allows for new options from more contexts than ever before.
Yes, there are difficulties with social media and some people misuse these technologies in ways that emotionally harm them, but people who misdirect their efforts to socialize with others and balance their emotional lives have always existed, albeit with fewer options than today for staying in touch.
One can choose who to reach out to, and the presence of social media doesn't make it any less important or more difficult to simply choose people who are capable of caring. Those who don't care for contact are no more the case no than they were before digital connectivity was a thing in human society.
As for social media and misinformation? Give me a break. Legacy media has a vast, long, torrid and dirty history of spreading propaganda on an industrial scale, with few avenues for finding out differently, and they hate losing control of that, so now we get contrived fears about misinformation from the same industry that promoted yellow journalism and absurdly grotesque beliefs upon the public for many, many decades.
Politicians and other social actors have taken up this same banner of fear mongering for their own pet reasons and interests, and at least some segments of the wider public have swallowed these fears without giving them proper analytical context. Shameful.
At least now, the very fact that nearly anyone can post nearly anything allows for those who have better information, closer sources and more reasoned insights to spread their points with no controlling middlemen, even if they need to swim among tides of charlatans and conspiracy nuts. That however is a price to be paid for the democratization of access to instantly posting anything for worldwide access.
I think of "social" media as a fundamentally isolating experience.
On modern social media platforms, each person gets their own, personalized feed.
As their feed becomes more personalized, it gets more and more isolated from a common, shared cultural context.
According to Wilbur Schramm's theories of communication, human to human messages must occur over a shared cultural context, and social media shrinks that shared cultural context.
LLMs as a platform could shrink this shared cultural context even more, unless we become more deliberate about fighting back against this "shared experience" shrinking: