You should write "without bugs"
·January 23, 2025ChrisMarshallNY
I do my best. I usually have so few bugs in my final ship products, that it's not worth it to have a tracker.
Getting there, though, I have lots of bugs. It's just that I want them gone, before I pat my app on the butt, and send it out into the field.
I often see people use Voltaire's phrase "Perfect is the enemy of the good," to justify writing bug farms. I'm not sure that this is what he meant.
Writing code without bugs is a function of experience. But, the reason is not entirely what you would think it is. Sure, a lot of it is anticipating problems previously experienced, and writing code that handles problems, or entire classes of problems, previously encountered.
However, with more experience comes a better understanding of the general metastructure of code, and therefore an ability to hold more code in your head at a time. (Compare for instance the well-known increased ability of chess masters to memorize chess boards compared to non-chess players.)
When you’re an inexperienced programmer, you need to write the code down (and run it to test if it works) before you know if the code and algorithm solves the problem. This makes the inexperienced programmer take shortcuts while writing down the code, in order to get the code written down as fast as possible, while it is still clear in their mind.
The experienced programmer, on the other hand, can easily envision the entire algorithm in their head beforehand, and can therefore spare some extra attention for adding error checking and handling of outlier cases, while writing the code for the first time.
Also, as the article states, when you make a conscious habit of always writing code which checks for all errors and accounts for all outliers, it becomes easier with time; practice makes perfect, as it were. This is essentially a way to speed up the natural process described above.
I clicked on this because of the crazy title but its actually a really inisghtful article, e.g. "Conversely, there are people with commitment issues; they want to experiment non-stop and thus have no faith in robustness." ... like there's this belief that bugs will just happen anyway so why worry about them. But the authors point is that a little bit of extra thought and work can make a lot of difference to quality.
I think there's always argument that you don't know what you don't know. How much thought do you put on writing code with out bugs. Bug could be caused by the business logic, the language internals, the runtime environment internal and variation. I think what people often ignore writing piece of software is an iterative process, you build, deploy and learn from the operation and you fix and repeat.
If you keep thinking of all possible issues that can happen that becomes a blackhole and you dont deliver anything.
> writing piece of software is an iterative process
Often, yes. Absolutely.
> you build, deploy and learn from the operation and you fix and repeat.
But no, not at all in this way. This is generally not necessary and definitely not a mindset to internalize.
Commercial software products are often iterative, especially for consumer or enterprise, because they need to guess about the market that will keep them profitable and sustainable. And this speculative character has a way of bleeding down through the whole stack, but not for the sake that "bugs happen!" -- just for the sake that requirements will likely change.
As an engineer, you should always be writing code with a absolutely minimal defect rate and well-understood capabilities. From there, if you're working an a product subject to iteration (most now, but not all), you can strive to write adaptable code that can accomodate those iterations.
I mostly agree with you.
In first few iterations of writing the code, you often don't have complete picture of capabilities, capabilities change on the fly dictated by change in requirement. There is no baseline of what minimal defect rate it. Over period of time and iterations you build that understanding and improve the code and process.
I'm not saying that you don't think before you write code but often over thinking leads of unnecessary over engineering and unwanted complexity
> the authors point is that a little bit of extra thought and work can make a lot of difference to quality
Care to bring home the thesis on how that’s actually really insightful?
The author makes the insightful observation that they write non-buggy code by being careful, in contrast to the vast majority of developers who write code full of bugs. Being careful is left to the reader, but it should be easy. /s
This feels like fluff. You can think a few steps all you like bug bugs will creep in, those you can’t think about, those in areas you don’t quite understand, those that require weird sequences of events.
The key, IMO, is having awareness about when you don’t quite understand something, because that means you can’t reason about the code to prove it correct to yourself in your head. And then, avoid shipping code in such a state at (almost) all cost. This awareness can be trained, and I suspect that the author’s virtually-bug-free shipping record is based on that. My personal experience is that bugs are always caused by code where I ignored my inner uncertainty about the code.
Just add other teams of people doing work in parallel, then make all the work depend on each other, and bugs will become even more inevitable. All the integration, end-to-end, contract, etc. testing in the world won’t save you, the savant incapable of writing bugs, from encountering and having to deal with bugs.
I dont think the author's goal (or reality) is perfection, zero bugs. A fluent English speaker, even an English professor, will occasionally trip up on a word or write a confusing sentence. But if thoughtfulness and planning reduce 80% of bugs or more, that's a big win.
I will remember this advice the next time I decide to write a bug.
This is pretty spot-on. A culture of testing everything will ossify code by not understanding what a "unit" is and amplifying developer churn by testing implementation details instead of the actual units. A culture of just getting features out the door will suffer under the weight of every change dragging on all future changes.
If you want to really get code that can be adapted whenever requirements change, you need to be thoughtful. Understand the code you write. Understand the code you choose not to write. Understand the code that was there before you got there. Think about the edge cases and handle them in a way that makes sense.
I'd call it "practicing writing code without bugs" rather than "writing code without bugs", though. In the end it's a practice. Is it going to be what you work towards every day, or is just an afterthought?
If you actually want to write software without bugs:
Assume that your code will have bugs no matter how good you are. Correct for that by making careful architecture decisions and extensively test the product yourself.
There’s no silver bullet. If you put in enough time and make some good decisions, you can earn a reputation for writing relatively few bugs.
> My “trick” during that final year was simple: I always tried to write correctly, not just when I was asked to, but all the time. After a year of subconscious improvements, I aced the exam.
Practice makes permanent. Perfect practice makes perfect.
I'm trying this with learning piano, and I see the advice in a good number of places-- if I make a mistake in a phrase, I repeat the phrase 5-7 times correctly, instead of pushing through. It's been working out well so far-- I'm not 'burning in' my mistakes.
Ah, but perfect is the enemy of good.
Perfect is the enemy of ever shipping an actual product.
> In the end, this all becomes muscle memory. You’ll be able to write code that’s not buggy, yet still ship at a good speed without thinking when you shouldnt and thinking much more when you should.
I'm very skeptical of this. You can't really have it both ways. I believe someone when they tell me they can ship code without bugs, but only by taking a lot of time, including the time necessary to test and debug the relatively fewer bugs they produce. But, I find it hard to believe someone who says that through pure self-discipline and force of will, they can just not write bugs without sacrificing speed.
And, generously, if there is someone who can do this, I find it hard to believe it's a generalizable methodology. "Just decide not to write any bugs... why didn't I think of that?"
I guess the third possibility is that you can ship code quickly without bugs, but only if it's trivial code. I would believe that, but I don't think that's what he's saying. This seems like an extraordinary claim.
I don't think anyone says you should just casually ship bugs. Quite the contrary, most are ok with the idea that, if you see a bug, fix the bug. But, there can be no doubt that there is diminishing returns on chasing down every potential bug.
This reads to me like the idea that a rich person walking down the road wouldn't pick up a $20 they happen to see at their feet. Of course they will. Why not?
What they don't do, is waste time walking around looking for spare money that has been dropped. Because that would almost certainly be a waste of time.
Similarly, use your tools to write as efficient and bug free code as you can. Make it as flexible and allow for any future changes you can accommodate along the way. But "along the way" should be "along the way of delivering things in a timely manner." If you stray from that, course correct.
> What they don't do, is waste time walking around looking for spare money that has been dropped. Because that would almost certainly be a waste of time.
Why is it usually a waste of time? Because people rarely lose multiple bills of money, and if they do, our vision system is well equipped to spot the other bills quickly.
The opposite is often true with software in my experience.
When there is a bug, it's often because the software is in a state of imbalance and confusion, and there are multiple bugs nearby.
And humans tend to be relatively bad at spotting bugs.
So, when you see a bug it is usually worth spending a moment to reflect on whether you've fixed the bug properly and whether there are other bugs in the vicinity. It is likely to be worth it just for the bug fixes.
But there's also the learning effect that comes with it as described by TFA.
Again, if you see a bug, fix it. If you are already in a section of code, read through all of it. And heck, if you are not running late on anything, feel free to start trying to re-architect parts that you think are off.
If I'm just caught by a strawman at the start of the essay, apologies on that. I legit don't know anyone that casually encourages bugs as long as you have features. Tolerances are a thing, but so is negligence.
In grad school I took a formal methods class where we proved properties about programs that completely changed how I think about bugs. The main things I took from the class were
1. Correctness of a program is distinct from its performance.
2. Program correctness can be proven.
3. Optimizing for performance often makes it harder to prove correctness.
I do not actually use formal methods in my work as a developer, but the class helped improve my program quality nonetheless. Now I generally think in terms of a program being correct rather than having no bugs. Technically these are the same thing, but the change of language brings a change of focus. I generally try to use the term "error" instead of "bug", for an incorrect program.
My strategy is to write the simplest correct version of the program first, convince myself that it is correct, and then optimize, if necessary without regressing on correctness. I generally use tests, rather than formal proofs, though, so of course there is still the possibility of uncaught errors, but this strategy works well overall.
Thinking this way also gives me guidance as to how to break down a program into modules and subprograms: anything that is too big or complex for me to be able to reason about its complexity must be subdivided into pieces with well-defined correctness.
It also has clarified for me what premature optimization means: it is optimizing a program before you know it's correct.