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Blue Origin New Glenn Mission NG-1 – Live


Anyone know more about the payload? Here's what I've found: It's carrying the "Blue Ring Pathfinder Payload", part of the "Dark-Sky 1 Mission"

> Dark-Sky 1 is jointly funded by DIU and Blue Origin. [5]

DIU is "The Pentagon’s commercial technology arm, the Defense Innovation Unit"







"Dark Sky" funded by the Pentagon. Sounds chipper.


I wonder if it might need some extra mass simulators (probably not depending on how heavy the payload is)




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Had a feeling that'd happen when the countdown jumped to T-00:00:00 then disappeared forever.

Oh well.


with every other rocket launch livestream I've watched (SpaceX, NASA, Rocket Lab, etc) when there's a delay they would announce it explicitly.

instead, it was at T-18min, they spent a few minutes talking about how fancy the engines were, and then finish with "alright, with 35 minutes left on the countdown..."

edit: they did it again. 11 minutes, they've pretty clearly told the talking heads to vamp, so they're rambling about how cool the "rocket park" is (and how they had to relocate a bunch of turtles while building it) and meanwhile the countdown disappears for a few seconds then resets to 38 minutes.


They really need to establish communications to let the viewers know why they are adding time to the clock.


"if we're adding time to the clock, it means that the team thinks that there might be a possibility that they can sort it out"


Yeah it’s really taking their audience for granted. Not a good first look


Audience? You mean all the space clients like Nasa, DoD and zillions of new space satellite vendors like IceEye etc? The public stream is nice to have but not critical.

I personally felt it was obvious when the countdown was reset. IMHO the show before countdown from 10s to zero is just filler.


You know what's a worse look: showing your viewers 1000s of little rockets parts. Looks cool perhaps, but doesn't inspire confidence either.

But damn it's annoying those delays


The alternative is to not adjust the clock and let it run out and not launch at all then?

Do you really think that’s better?

I don’t.


The alternative is simply to adjust the clock and say why.


> The alternative is to not adjust the clock and let it run out and not launch at all then?

holy false dichotomy, Batman


If you are reading this in the future, or just prefer YouTube, Edit: Blue origin is streaming it here:

Original: the AP is restreaming the launch here:


What's the normal vibe on how it feels to work for Bezos on Blue Origin and how does it compare to working for Musk at SpaceX? Is one feeling like startup vs the other feeling like enterprise, or does one feel like the boss is too involved and the other too distant, etc?


Can't speak for Blue but SpaceX felt like an aerospace company, and Musk had next to nothing to do with my day-to-day there.


or does one feel like a tech company, the other like a government agency?


This is going to get scrubbed I think. So many pushbacks. They should make scrubbed missions retain the flight designation and the new flight should get a new number.

“Anomalies” “workarounds” “off-nominal situations” “whatever they’re finding that may be a little bit off” are all words you don’t wanna hear at launch I guess.

Okay that’s probably one too many delays now. I’ll have to see if it launches in the morn


Nobody would be surprised if they scrubbed today, frankly it'll be more surprising if they launch.

Space is hard.


If they stick the landing first try I'm really impressed abd SpaceX has real competition.


In the words of the Steve Miller Band:

T0 keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'

Into the future


Hopefully we’ll fly like an eagle




It's scrubbed for today: Blue Origin on Twitter:


T-0 keeps getting pushed back. Nice for them to have this ability technically. Not all rockets can do this AFAIK, at least not as often as I've seen today.

Anyone know how often can do this, or what the technical limit it for this (so besides orbit insertion & other trajectory stuff or for reasons of running out the range flight restrictions etc)


Outside of those mission requirements you mentioned there are also some limitations in any cryo cooled liquids onboard.

Either the pressure increases internally, liquid off-gases and needs to be refilled (where there is a finite amount left to use), or risk of components freezing up can all play a factor into how long a rocket can stand on the pad for. As a result it’s less a question of how often can they delay the launch and more a question of how long can the rocket stay out on the pad for you to delay into.

Likely a heep of other reasons as well.


Ah, thought of boil-off already which can of course be replenished. But indeed the tank when that comes from can run out as well of course.

