The Free Movie: Frame-by-frame, handrawn reproduction of "The Bee Movie" (2023)
·January 13, 2025tristanj
Some of the most goofiest scenes reminded me about my self growing up, recording dumb re-creations of movies/tv-shows with friends.
I had a blast watching that! thank you for sharing.
This is amazing. I love that this exists. I'm surprised how negative some of the comments are.
I skipped to a random spot, and lasted about 5 seconds. Two drawings of dicks, 50% scribbles, and a couple frames of just the word PENIS. Yes, this is truly a noteworthy effort.
I’m as equally curious as you, just on the other side of the horseshoe.
Same here. If you skip to a random part of the movie, and move frame by frame, it becomes a game of "spot the penis". Just one or two can be "tolerated", but we're far from that here, so ... My opinion is that it does not really belong in HN
Because of a penis drawing? Are we in preschool? There have been those ever since caveman times.
We could probably fine-tune a tiny convolutional neutral net image classifier and just hold on the last good frames for longer to cover the frames with clear trolling and nsfw images.
I think that would miss the point
No, that point was already made. This will be a new point unlike the previous point.
The Free Movie - - July 2023 (100 comments)
Who is going to put each frame into image to image AI model and get out a photorealistic output and recompile?
From a few moments of watching, it seems like over half the crowd-sourced frames are just trolling and not actually a representation of the original film. I guess that kind of adds to the aesthetic, but I'm a little surprised they kept those troll frames...
For at least a few seconds it was an odd game of phallus or frame.
Yeah I agree, there should be a voting system that can kick out bogus frames and have someone remake them, would be really interesting to see what it’d look like if everyone was trying to recreate it. Kind of like rotoscoping I suppose. As it is, there’s just a ton of discontinuity because of the troll frames.
This is a fascinating idea. Sort of like a wikipedia, but trying to establish the truth of a single movie rather than everything we know.
It would probably end up needing moderators, harassing people for funding, and pay for political purposes as well as its core reason for existing :)
I think the word "crowdsourced" is conspicuously missing from the title. It would explain a lot.
They do say it's "crowd-pirated".
Reminiscent of Shrek Retold
Thanks for making me watch that? WTF
Back when I was first playing around with AI, I built a website where people could upload fine tuned GlowTTS and Tacotron2 text to speech model weights.
One of the first things users did was to emit the entire transcript of the Bee Movie:
would be cool without all the trolling
Shrek Retold is a similar fan-made reproduction, but it's way more polished. The movie is split into roughly 1min sections, with each one done by a different creator. The quality is all over the place, in a hilarious way. One minute it's produced by a professional animator nailing the scenes, then the next minute it's people goofing around in their backyard.