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Category Theory Illustrated: Logic(2021)


This is such a great page, i love it and came across it multiple times while studying the matter.

I still would vote to learn it from Milewski though. Learning this is a journey and the author of ct-illustrated is, i think, still in the middle of it.

Milewski has made that trip multiple times already. The book and his blog are great places. Book Blog


I don't understand what bartoszmilewski talked about, so his book seems useless to me. But at work i use category theory for all of my domain model.


Oh, i can solve this: You will understand his work better once you step out of the narrow category of your work domain model.


He uses math term to explain the math. No way i will use that method to understand the subject.


Would you be willing to share more about your domain modeling and how category theory helped?


He can abstract more models in general frameworks (This is true for every job). He just is hesitant taking the leap to go all Camus and derive money from absurdism ;)


Discussed at the time, though with an other URL: (2 comments) (112 comments)


Any body can share a success story of using category theory gainfully to any CS/SWE problem that couldn't have been solved without? No Monads isn't one, you would invent it naturally when the situation calls for it. I spent a year studying in grad school and I ultimately abandoned it.




Determining whether something is useful because it’s the only way that a problem can be solved is quite a high bar.

We could say the same about computers in general.

Admittedly even with a less stringent criteria I don’t have any examples. So I understand your point


You are very close. CT is about structure, not which problem this structure solves. Compilers are closest in what i can think of in this regard: They don't resolve one problem domain, but many. Which one you apply it on is up to you.

One tool for one job is a simple rule you can adapt as a systems architect allowing you to build clear structure for the problem domain you come across. esbuild comes to mind as an example - the job was solved before, but keeping one purpose in mind and writing it from scratch solves the problem WAAAY faster.

So no, no problem is solved inside the domain of product software development, but outside of it, you as a developer can (if you want and for speed) derive any structure from the absurd function instead of combining foreign frameworks.


abstractions never solve problems that couldn't have been solved without them.


Circles in circles doesn't really scale well if the inner circles are always vertically centered.


Oh i just realized the blog author himself created this post: Boris we love you! Best of luck on your journey and thanks for your work!

