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Toasty, an async ORM for Rust

Toasty, an async ORM for Rust


·October 23, 2024


Very interested in exploring how this will compare to Diesel [1] and SeaORM [2], the other two options in this space today. Joshua Mo at Shuttle did a comparison between Diesel and SeaORM in January of this year that was really interesting [3].





My first reaction is this feels like a nice middleground between Diesel and SeaORM.

The codegen part makes all columns and tables and stuff checked at compile-time (name and type) like Diesel, with a query builder that's more natural like SeaORM. I hope the query builder does not end up too magical like SQLAlchemy with its load of footguns, and stay close in spirit to Diesel that's "write sql in rust syntax".

I think time will tell, and for now I'm keeping my Diesel in production :D


Sea ORM is too opinionated in my experience. Even making migration is not trivial with their own DSL. Diesel was ok, but I never use it anymore since rocket moved to async.

I'm mainly use sqlx, it's simple to use, there's query! and query_as! macro which is good enough for most of the case.


I like sqlx, but have been eyeing diesel for some time. Any reasons you don't use diesel_async?


With Diesel async integrating everything with the pooling is a bit hairy. With sqlx everything just works.


It's nice seeing more Django/Prisma style ORMs where the non-SQL source code is the source of truth for the schema and migrations are automatically generated.


Looks well thought out i like that for the most part this seems faster/easier than rolling your own sql query mapping etc compared to the other solutions I've come across in rust


Toasty was the focus of Carl Lerche's P99 CONF keynote on Wednesday. It provoked some interesting discussion in the chat.


For me diesel hits right balance since it is more a query builder and it is close to the SQL syntax. But sometimes it doesn't work because it is very strongly typed, right now I use sea-query for those scenarios and I built the bridge between the two.

Ideally I would use something akin to Go Jet.


The days of the ORM have passed.

AI writes amazing SQL, modern SQL databases are incredible and the best way to get the most out of your DB is write SQL.

Invest your learning budget in SQL, not in some random developers abstraction.


A good ORM is just a pre-built and externally tested validator of common DB work.

There's plenty of value in knowing both.

"AI writes amazing SQL" and "AI writes amazing DB to Application Translation Layer Code" just means "AI can write your company's bespoke ORM".


AI can give better responses to a lot of requests when it has a well designed high level API available. And many ORMs don’t produce well designed APIs but it seems this one will.


Looks awesome. Would love to see the table definitions that are generated from the schema as well.


I don't get the pent up anger with ORMs, I used it for my SaaS on Flask that I run and own for 4 years bringing in over $2M+ ARR with no issues.

Great to see some development in this for Rust, perhaps after it becomes stable I may even switch my SaaS to it.


The second that you would benefit from using a DBMS specific feature, the ORM begins getting in the way. It is highly unlikely that an ORM provides support, much less a good abstraction, over features that only 1/N supported DBMS have.

Your code ends up using the driver raw in these cases, so why not just use the driver for everything? Your codebase would be consistent at that point


Has it benefited you? Have you moved to a different underlying SQL software without having to make any changes to your codebase? Or some other benefit?


For me it’s speed of development. I’m frankly not very good at SQL, but an ORM in a familiar syntax to the language I use most (Typescript) increases my dev speed tremendously.

I also have a relatively successful saas that uses Prisma and it’s been phenomenal. Queries are more than fast enough for my use case and it allows me to just focus on writing more difficult business logic than dealing with complex joins


O in orm is misleading term. To me orm is about table.




I never understood why people are so stubborn about hating on orm.

For example I'm familiar with and it does save me a lot of time and useless boilerplate.

And guess what, if I ever need to make a complex query, I also happen to know SQL, and I'm just going to make a "raw" query and be done with it.

It's not all that hard.


the other common complaint usually is: "but I don't know what query the orm is going to make..."

Use "Debug" and it will print out exactly what query it's making. Not happy with it? Make a raw query.


> I never understood why people are so stubborn about hating on orm.

Objects are just bad abstractions for representing database interactions. They never map cleanly and any attempt to cover up the incoherence introduces further problems.

Avoiding boilerplate is understandable, but typed schemas and queries exist without hauling in a full ORM.

Of course you can pump out a lot of SQL very quickly with ORMs. There's a lot positive to say about this approach! But you don't tend to end up with code where you can easily tell what's going on.


> Objects are just bad abstractions for representing database interactions.

But they're excellent abstractions for business entities.

> Of course you can pump out a lot of SQL very quickly with ORMs. There's a lot positive to say about this approach! But you don't tend to end up with code where you can easily tell what's going on.

15 years building up massive apps with Django and SQLAlchemy and this has never been a problem.


I concur. I’ve used ORMs in certain projects, but iterating and optimizing them later on became untenable. I’ve learned my lesson — all my new projects forgo ORMs by default.


How? ORM logic is as simple or as complicated as the underlying queries and results. In 15 years of building web apps with Python ORMs this has never been a problem across many, many different teams.


A lot of people think SQL is antiquated, and therefore not worth learning. However, SQL is based upon Relation Algebra, which is the foundation of database optimalisation. Any data querying language/library that is not based on relational algebra will lack the performance. In particular ORMs fall under this category. Having said that, there are other languages/libraries out there that do use the relational algebra constructs.


Moving fast is often crucial, but you typically also get more readable code, which is also worth it.

A query/DML that is badly optimized is usually very complex, which means that the ORM's syntax isn't a good fit. No problem, since they typically support raw SQL calls, so nothing is really lost.

You just have to know when to use the right tool for the job, as always.


> Moving fast is often crucial, but you typically also get more readable code, which is also worth it.

I think the exact opposite is true, actually—because of the introduction of stuff like lifecycle hooks it becomes very difficult to figure out how the domain semantics translate to query/execution semantics. Of course some are lighter than that and just e.g. map a table to a domain type (which is much more readable), but that's not typically what catches criticism.


I respect that some prefer just to use SQL, but that isn't where most stand.

Also, instead of a reactionary "all ORMs are trash," where ORM probably means different things to different people, maybe you could provide some value to the conversation by providing specific points and/or arguments supporting your feelings about ORMs. At the very least, you could provide some citation to an article that does the summarization.


Nonsense. People use ORMs because the vast majority of queries are trivial. If you need something the ORM doesn't provide sufficient control over, only then you move to raw queries for these cases.


It’s has nothing to do with being simple and everything to do with wha the database looks like at the end of the day.

Some ORMs are better than others but if if you have ever looked at a database created by a ORM it always has weird lookup tables, funny names and even with simple objects completely unusable without the ORM.

We live in a multi language world. There is a high chance you are going to want to access this data with a different language. This langue is not going to have the same ORM as such you will have a horrid time access the data.

ORMs often lay their data out in a way that is highly language dependent.

The fact of the matter is SQL is not hard and bypassing the main interface to the database and hand wave it away will always bring you regret when writing any sooty of software other than a toy project.

Your best case is you become an expert in the ORM. Resulting in a skill set that does not transfer easy, language locked and the worst of all bottle necks any changes to the data layer to your ORM expert who at first will be proud and happy and end smug and bitchy as all the data layers request changes will simply be redirected to them.

When people like me say ORMs are trash it’s much more than any of the surface level rebuttals listed here. It’s about the whole life cycle is your project. Adding up all the places ORMs can fuck you just makes it a bad proposition.

God forbid you need to upgrade your database or the ORM version.


> ORMs often lay their data out in a way that is highly language dependent.

Which ORMs did you use? This doesn't sound normal at all. Never saw this with Rails, Ecto, EF, Sybase, or even the legacy project I once worked on that had 4 different ORMs for different parts of the same backend process, using the same database (some were very old and behind slowly phased out over time). Maybe you have ORM confused with CMS (content management system). A CMS can do those things, but that is not an ORM.

> There is a high chance you are going to want to access this data with a different language.

There are tools for that, such as ETL, read replicas, data warehouses, code generators, raw sql, stored procedures, views, just off the top of my head.


`if you have ever looked at a database created by a ORM`

You do realize that you can make your own migrations using raw SQL, and still use the ORM with your tables?


Well, different people, different experiences.


Yep, plus learn SQL and you can use it everywhere.

Every language has it's own (multiple) language specific ORMs.


Yeah, let's trash the 50 year old industry standard and let's obfuscate the interface to one of the most performance sensitive part of an application. Hell, lets build multiple obfuscators for each language, each with it's own astonishing behavior that turns pathological once you actually get usage on the app.


You know whats also a 50 year old industry Standard? Assembler. Yet, Nobody writes it any more.