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New largest prime number found See all 41,024,320 digits [video]


Discussion (355 points, 2 days ago, 118 comments)


In this 2 days it changed from "probable" to "confirmed". Anyway, I don't know if there is something new to say. Anyway^2, this video explain a lot of details about how they found the number that were not explained in the old post. (New probabilistic algorithm, then confirm with the (old?) deterministic algorithm, use a distributed "cloud" of computer of volunteers to make all the tests).

PS: [spoiler alert?] After watching the video I realized the background is real. I was expecting a joke or something. I'm too used to Zoom and fake backgrounds :( .


Is there any practical application of a new prime number?


Prime numbers with practical applications do get discovered. Most notably, I suppose: 2^64 - 2^32 + 1:

There are annual prizes on performing certain computations efficiently in prime fields for this prime:

But if there is a practical application to very large primes: I don’t know. 40 million digits sounds very inefficient unless you always operate in sub-groups.


"prime number digits" -> "video"

thank you, i hate it


Bad take. The Stand-Up Maths channel is great.